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Richmond Barthe trill do no more pieces like ?Rug Cutters? (left), but plans to start on his oils again By EVELYN REID GRIFFITH A FAMED SCULPTOR for 20 .years, Richmond Barthe says he never intends to carve again. Sculpture has provided the money and freedom for him to settle down in Jamaica and concentrate on his dream of a lifetime?learning to paint. Born in Bay St. Louis. Miss., in 1901, this talented Negro sculptor (who pronounces his name Bar-TAY) has statues in six nationally known museums, including the Metropolitan and the Whitney, as well as museums and private collections in 10 foreign countries. His rise to fame as a sculptor. despite his original ambition to become a painter, started during his last year at Chi- cago Art Institute. In 1928 he modeled in clay the heads of two friends, as an experiment. Chicago, celebrating "Negro in Art Week." discovered there Continued on Page 18 Student models for Barthe a New York schdol [<; 7ATTC FOR AMERICAN GIRL VAGAMOCS AS ADVERTISED BELOW We hove them in Tan, Red or Block Come in for o fitting tomorrow or Order by Moll COLOR KRAUSS COM LTD.. N. O.. LA. find *... Plaaia itnd m? Vagamoct American Girl Shoas Q Cheek Q M.O. or O chq. to my account. {non? c.o.d.) add 2% t?i in La. plu* 2Sc poatafc. | SIZE I__________ Nama ....................................... Addrau .......................................City -a dream walking it's weightless it?s wonderful /> / long wearing m A ^ / * black, tan, red, blonde. g ? * or white smooth leather f wT\ AAA 5* to 10 V AA 5 to 10 . B A to 10 SEE AMERICAN GIRL SHOES?*fTHE BIG PAYOFF*?CBS*TV AaarkM Girt Shoa Co, Div.t CowoMatad NatimuJ Shoa Corp.. Bocioa. Namcfcutatt* YOU CAN BUY THIS SHOE AT: LOl/JSMfM U. ?. Corpwfor's .........................................*USTO? Marvkaa Kota Co angary ....................................RAYNi KoWUi Daportaaa* Star* ...................................VIVIAN Kraan C?.. LW., 1201 Com! S*......................NEW OtLEANS Specialty S?or? .......................................NEW IKIUA 4RIC4NS4S CMftr i ibo* .....................................HAMUSON Hoqy'i, 10* OvockHo Av?............................HOT SPRINGS rwiip stor? ................................rttscorr M?i?rt Star* ............................LAKE VILLAGE W?u ktocrU Co.........................................PINE EUtff SH**y?*, 700 Caa+rqJ Ava...........................HOT SPRINGS MISSISSIPPI TW Fawoar, l*c.......................................WK>OICMAVEN f. C. S+ora .................................LEAKS VI LL? Hy+W* S*ora ...............................INDIANOUk I. KotNm t, Compamy ...................................CUUUCSOAU UaaWy n frapt. Stara ............................PICAYUNE Wahii'i Sbcai ..........................................M?RIOIAN 01X16. TIMES-PICAYUNE STATES ROTO MAGAZINE. OCTOBER 4. 1953
Barthe, Richmond Times-Picayune-10-4-1953-pg.1