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1940 Lift. BbCKXrt T. t.ASHIkGTCN n,-j ij.. 1 N, w YO?> . N . Y-N Y. S' may 2.r) 1946 looker T. To Hall of Fame America's fifteen million Negroes will make history this week, when the $5,000 bronze it of Booker T. Washington, founder of I uskegee Institute and noted educator, is unveited the Hall of Fame of New Yotk University Thursday afternoon at 3 o clock. Dr. Washington's ction to the Mall of Fame for Great Americans on the campus of New York University, iiv'?rsity Avenue and 18 I at Street, in 1945, marked the first time that a Negro recevied such honor, lie became eligible for election 2 5 years after his death in 1915, and narrowly ssed being chosep in the elep(ions of 1940. "he bust is scheduled to be tinted by Miss Gloria Davidsotl shlngton, grand-daughter of Dr. .shlngton and a student at How-Unlversity, In the presence of a tlngulshed gathering in the uld Memorial Library of the Uni-sity. The speakers will Include Harry Woodburn Chase, chan-lor of the University; Dr. Jack-i Davis, assocjate director of the neral Education Board; Dr. Pred-ck D. Patterson, president of skegee Institute; Dr. Ralph P. Idgman. president of Hampton In-tute, and Dr James Rowland ??U. director of tlie Hail of Fame, iO .wUI preside. Work Of Barthe ^bronze bust is the work of clunbnd Barthe, first Negro artist tOMfiiwork will be presented in ec^jpllecUon of portrait busts Joh'rwtU line the colonnade of the iXI ttf'Parrlo. It' Is the gift of Tus-gtp Institute, Alabama, and unpton Institute, Virginia, at a it of *5.000. Among prominent persons expect- \ to' be pre&ent are: Mayor Wil-m O'Dwvcr, Dr. Anson Phelps okes and Ur Chaiinlng H. Tobias the Phelps Stokes Fund; James Farley, former Postmaster Gen-ral; Basil O'Connoi, president of e American lied Cross; O. C. ?Uldlng, president, North Curo-la Mutual Lite In.suianee Com-ny; Mr and Mrs. Herbert Bayard vope, representative Sol Blooir^. xither Thomas. president of Man* ittan College; Dr Horace Mann' >nd president of Lincoln Univer-j; 'and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent itor. D(jrptiiy Maynor, soprano and the uk?*?e Choir will furnish a mu-:*!;> progra m for the ceremonies. Pittbhurcj. ha. P'TtaouRa Courier MAY mTHF HAI I OF FAMF ? Hronzc bu!>t of Hooker T. Washing l nc n/\LL ur rAiwc. ton foutulrr uf ruskr^r inuuutr TO IE HONORED?Buit of the l?t? BookJr T. Weihington, noted Negro educator and founder of JnjtituJ#( Tuikegea, Ala., which w to be unveiled in t he HalloT Fame oPTTlv/" Yortr' Uni verity during ceremonial on May 23. Hu gr t ndda ughUr, Portia Davidion V.'Athmcj-t o n, Howard U n i v e r 111 y iludent, unveiled1 the bu?t which ii t r. a work of Richmond Berthe, first Negro iculptor ?ver to have a buJ aam.tted of Ffipa. ^ / which will be unveiled in the HulJ of Fume of New York I?niversily, ((diversity Heights, Thursday Afternoon ;it 3 o'clock. The bust i* the work of Richmond liarlhc, first N<?^r? sculptor whose work uill ? ......*?* ih** Hall ol Kami*. < iIori;i l);t\idM>n Wa>hington,
Barthe, Richmond Various-News-Articles-1946-continued