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BWYC Yachting Credits Page 2 of 9 1973 Sugar Bowl Race of Champion Winner, Marc Eagan, Ellen Eagan and Chris Stieffel 1973 Commodore Auguste Capdevielle Trophy, winning yacht club, BWYC 1974 Commodore Ray H. Stieffel, Jr. 1974 MCYA Championship for the Chapman Trophy, winning team 1975-1976 Commodore Walter A. Gehrke 1975 MCYA Championship for the Chapman Trophy, winning team 1975 Sugar Bowl Race of Champion Winner, Woody Stieffel, Ann Gordon and Cindy Stieffel 1975 Commodore Auguste Capdevielle Trophy, winning yacht club, BWYC 1976 MCYA Championship for the Chapman Trophy, winning team 1976 Commodore Bernard L. Knost All Ladies Championship, winning team, skippers, 1976 Sugar Bowl Race of Champion Winner, Bubby Eagan, Ed Turnipseed and Corky Hadden 1976 Commodore Auguste Capdevielle Trophy, winning yacht club, BWYC 1977 Commodore James R. Shadoin 1977 MCYA Championship for the Chapman Trophy, winning team 1977 Flying Scot North American Championship, first place, Marc Eagan, Ed Turnipseed and Jon Levy 1977 Commodore Bernard L. Knost All Ladies Championship, winning team, skippers, Mimi Eagan, Judy McKinney and Cindy Stieffel, crew, Lynn Eagan 1977 U.S. Women’s Sailing Championship, Mrs. Charles Francis Adams Trophy, first place, Cindy Stieffel, Amy Chapman and Judy Mckinney 1977 GYA Lipton Cup Championship, winning team, skippers Chuck Breath III, Bubby Eagan, Marc Eagan, and Buzzy Heausler, crew Walter Chamberlain, Lynn Eagan, Mac Hadden, Kay Kergosien, Tommy Heausler, Chris Stieffel and Ed Turnipseed, team captain Charlie Staehle 1977 Sugar Bowl Race of Champion Winner, Buzzy Heausler, Tommy Heausler and Corky Hadden 1977 Commodore Auguste Capdevielle Trophy, winning yacht club, BWYC 1978 Commodore Maurice F. Eagan 1978 MCYA Championship for the Chapman Trophy, winning team 1978 Flying Scot North American Championship, first place, Marc Eagan, Ed Turnipseed and Theodore Trast 1978 Commodore Bernard L. Knost All Ladies Championship, winning team, skippers, Ellen Eagan, Judy McKinney and Cindy Stieffel, crew Amy Chapman
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