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[■ e @|o£fj<! of tjje |§|uu of j^tsscsi:) it* _,v, ^v .•>. i ' ©BAM© SS©a2'0’ia37i7§ ©!?7]©s5 ^ 'Jtfatcfex, tJPcv. f5tf, /§50. l^Deat i.t aiu) 'SBtolRd : ;..'t ^ £/Pfeade temtnd your fitodye tfat tfe next /Plane/ ?yfnnua/ '/femmuniralufn, o^ tfia fPiand Sfodye wt ff fe fe/d on tfe ^ctdt <yffonday in ^freftuaty next, and your defy ate tfat it t4 Ait duty, made do fy tfe 0&eyufati/’nd o^ tfe fPi,and ^fodye, to fwiy / witd^ dim, and wear, du-iiny tfe deddion, t/ie j-eit>c6 wftcf fe id a/fio^f/ to urear in. Ail Sfodye. me /tiny to your tememfiance, tfat^utfand com/i/tte co/ioed ojf tfe 0fy* \ JZaiitd o^ tfe Sfodyed under Q)id^iendation, and a/if autea^ntcitti to tfie esy s Sfaiod o^ /■■■ fffidyea under (/ofalter , ate te^uited to fe tiandmitted witf t/ie f/f/ieluind. y' fffodyea under idfie?idation wif/ tiandmit, witf tfeir 0Zy =2xtiud and (f/betutna, tfe Qfidfiendattond and^uf/ copied o^ tfe ^oalnatb o^ tfeir y,’uoceedinyd. fffey ate not *-’*tet&ti:te<^uited“€<r'fu2y any -dued ^or ■mcmfeta, -nor- ^or- diytaea corr^sttcd/ nor miff tfey fe entitfed to i.ep>tedentation , or tfeir de/eyated to mi/eaye and fter diem. ffOoc/yed under Q)id^iendatoon cannot admit any to memfeidfi/i. f/fe fietitioneid ale t/ie on/y memfctd. 0^/eadi tnafe your f/fHetulnd out ufion tfe fiiinted fianfd ^uini/ifed. Sxamtne your f/fzetuind ^or tfe fait year, wfe?i mafmy out your &>etut?id ^or tfe fitedent, tfat you may account j^or affyour o/dwemfetd. f/f$e catejufnot tofi/ace on tfe fidt o^memfetd, any wfo fave demrfted, died, ten tain under dua/iendion, or fave feen ex/ief/ed. S/fode ■wfo fave feen, temaiated, or admitted to m.emfetdfifi, ivfetfer ^lom otfer Sfodyed or laUvcc) cUautj tRe \^zat tiv tjou-t 2Boc)cje, dfou/d fe ^ifxced on tfe /idt o^ memfeid. Jffitite tfe named /eyifiy, to ^nevent etlor. ^ Zffe annuaf duea fave feen cfanyed. our dued wiff fe ^^y ce?itd ^or eacf memfer tfat you may fave on tfe S6tf ^ffecenifer, and one dotfir or eacf deytee convened. 9^fe tetutnd o^ a/f tfe ctiaitcici) Sfodycd dfoufd fe made to nid on t/e dame day, to wit, on tfe S/tf o^ £E/)ccemfer; and tfe <yfnnuaf Jfndlaf/atio/i o^ (y^cceu afouid tafe fiface on tfat day. didttifutum o^ tfe ffefoof iff and wad oic/eted /izdt year. J/ u/i/i ciedit your Sfodye, t7i tfe dettfement o^your dued ^or tfe fitedent year toitf your tr^itedentative, tn cfcfiuaty next, wit ft, doffzid, tfe amount o^ your divtcfjtd. £3fc*:< ^f'latcinaffu notou Cy yo m,v. W. Mfcn, %
Masonic Lodge Document (017)