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"'.gfcr, V STANDARD FORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING. Arrangement of colors and forms in manifolding, on Straight shipments : (1) Shipping Order [white]; (2) Bill of Lading [white]; (3) Memorandum [white] LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. STRAIGJHT BILL OF LADING?ORIGINAL?JNIOT NEGOTIABLE. Shipper?s No. > Agent?s No. 100?vi ? S at RECEIVED, subject to thexslassifications and tariffs in effeoCiifi-'tfiB?^date of issue of this Original 7..................^...............................;...............' ..................................................-................... ^ ____________________________________________ '""....................................................................the property descri^ecTbelow, in apparent good order, except .(eiu^ana condition "fef contents bf^ackaR'esTihknown), marked, consigned and destined as indicated below, which said Company Bnppf Lading^^^^ 2 <;' as rioted froniy ... .. , _ . ? , (conferfl^irirM conditioner contents ,bfJ^ackaK'es?lihknown), marked, consigned and destined as indicated below, which said Company agrees to - . furry to its usual place of delivery at said destination, if on its road, ?otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destina-^^,tI6h~It is_oiutually_agreed, as to each carrier of all or any of said property over all or any portion of said route to destination, and as to each party^at any time interested in all or any of said property,-,that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the conditions, whether printed or written, herein contained (including conditions on baAr hereof),j&nd which are agreed to by the shipper and accepted for himself and hisassigns. The Rate of Freight from,.. * ~ T.; . ... -X- -' -V! - -I Consigned to ? V' (Mail Addre&s?Not for purposes of Delivery*}- ............ ? 'J. -+-j| ?* w ......................... DwtinatiQri^^^bi^^,....................................State ----County of. !*' t. tot...--..? v-**- '?Si* V in Cents per 100 Lbs f Per Barrel If Special If ...times 1st Class IF 1st Class ip 2d Class IF Rule25 IF 3d Class IF Rule 26 IF ? Rule 28 ?> ip 4th Class IF 5th Class IF 6th Class IF Class A IF Class B IF ClassC * IF Class D IF Class E IF Class H *"IF k Class F per ........ ?<rl- - I /T ^ V- Route,.. ? "!C Vi.r.'Miviv. .# J ir : j -; ? ...............................................Car Initial.......... Car No.. no- PACKAGES ^.^DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES ANB SPECIAL MARKS WEIGHT (Subject to Correction) CLASS OR RATE CHECK COLUMN /v;-j ... I---: ii *?..... ....................... ?-v*- If charges are to be pre-, paid, write or stamp here, ?To be Prepaid.? r , / -iCeceived __ , *4 19 apply in-pre'payjftnt, gf ?the charges pjp the propert^^ '"'71 1/ .....f /...............................:;*i......... described hereon, j ? " -st* VN(JL ^,0*^ A^rej^t or Cashier. (The signature hero acknowledges *? only the ^mount prepaid.) ?yy. / .. ' /p , ??-~f Jw ,
Oliver, T Louisville-and-Nashville-Railroad-Company-Mary-D.-Garcia