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DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MOBILE DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0. BOX 2288 MOBILE, ALABAMA 36628 REPLY TO ATT CN TION OF: SAMOP-S PUBLIC NOTICE NO. MS82-00210-D-AF COMPLETED DREDGING FOR ACCESS CHANNEL, CONSTRUCTION OF BULKHEAD, BOATRAMP AND PLACEMENT OF RIPRAP TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This District has received an application for a Department of the Army permit pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (33 USC 403), and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) as described below: APPLICANT: American Legion #139 Green Meadow Road Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 WATERWAY: Gulf of Mexico, Hancock County, Bay St. Louis, MS. WORK: The following work items have been completed: a. Dredging by dragline of approximately 330 cubic yards of sandy loam from an area 30 feet wide by 150 feet long to establish a depth of -4 feet mean low water leading to designated boatramp. b. Excavated material placed on top of existing jetty within an area 15 feet wide by 150 feet long and contained by placing additional riprap around sides of subject material. c. Construction of 40 linear feet of timber bulkhead with a 5-foot wide by 40 feet long timber pier attached thereto. d. A 15-foot wide by 150 feet long precast boatramp section has been added to existing ramp facility. All work was completed in accordance with attached plans as submitted by the applicant. Permits from State agencies, including water quality certification, if applicable, will be required before final action is taken concerning a Department of the Army permit. Evaluation of the probable impacts involving deposits of dredged or fill material into navigable waterways will include the application of guidelines established by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. 30 August 1982
American Legion Pier 018