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ORDER ACCEPTING THE ORDINANCE CREATING AN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD j FOR REVIEW OF CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION AND/OR CHANGE OF FASCADES OR ij OUTER APPEARANCE OF BUILDINGS IN THE BAY ST. LOUIS HISTORIC DISTRICTS, AND GRANTING POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BAY ST. LOUIS HISTORIC DISTRICTS | COMMISSION AND ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD______________________________________ j ij In reference to the ordinance previously taken under advisement, Councilman; Benvenutti inquired of Attorney Gex if he had made a review of the ordinance. j Mr. Gex stated that he had, but he felt that the whole ordinance was very ! stringent. Mr. Gex stated that as far as the legality of the ordinance, every- j thing was in order. > Councilman Wagner inquired of Ms. Nell Frisbie, Chairperson of the Commission if the Commission had used examples forwarded by the Department of Archives and ; History. Ms. Frisbie replied that the Commission had used the ordinances of I Pascagoula and Meridian, which had been approved by the Department of History j and Archives. Ms. Frisbie further stated that the Commission had not intended j the Ordinance to be stringent. | Motion was made by Councilman Thriffiley that the City accept the ordinance] creating an Architectural Review Board for review of construction, alteration and/or change of fascades or outer appearance of buildings in the Bay St. Louis historic districts, and granting powers and duties of the Bay St. Louis Historic Districts Commission and Architectural Review Board. Edward A. Favre, City Clerk, informed the City Council that the cost to publish the ordinance the required amount of times would cost $634.00. Mr. Favre stated that that would not be within the budget at this time. Motion was made by Councilman Farve that the discussion be tabled. President Benvenutti stated that there was already one motion on the floor. Councilman Thriffiley re-stated his motion. Said motion was seconded by j Councilman Benvenutti for the purpose of discussion. Councilman Benvenutti i then stated that the law states that the ordinance must be published 2 or 3 | times, and that the City Clerk informed the Council that the cost would be I $634.84, which would be 30% of the budget for legal advertising. Councilman I Benvenutti then stated that it would put a bind on this administration, in that
BSL Council MTG Architectural-Review-Board-(16)