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5 Form No. 65. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. State of Alabama.. I MOBILE_____C OUNT Y . ) _* Victor Manly Blaize a,n applicant, for employment us Engineer_______________________ in the services of the Louisville fy .N'ashville Railroad Company, having been duly exam- On the new rules effective May 1st, 1909. . ined by us touching his knowledge of the duties of a,n employe in such position /find he having exhibited evidence to us of his good moral character, familiarity with the rules of the Company, a knowledge of the duties of an employe in such position, and his examination papers having been approved by the Superintendent of this Company, we, as a Board of Examiners, duly appointed, undt,r and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of Alabama, approved February lj/,th, 1893, hereby authorize the said V.M, Blaize________i0 engage in the occupation, or business of Engineer____________ in the service of the Louisville Nashville Railroad Company. Bated, a,t Mobile. Ala, thisUtA^_19th. _day of March_______ 1909 _. | /y I Cy y /'--^--Master of Trains, BOARD OF EXAMINERS.
Blaize VM-Blaize-L&N-Engineer-doc