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Program Year 1992-93	-	NHH	Fellowships	Card	tt	l	omu	Ho.	3136
lixpire.f: 1/3 I/i
I I Fellowships ioi I hiivei siiv leathers
? junior ? Senior X) Fellowships Ioi Colli de le.u hers and liule|>endtrnt Siliolars X"] |miior ? Senior	1991-92 Academic Year Salary: $ retired Contiact Basis: ? !) innnihs ? Other:		
Applicant's Name (.Lust, first, initial) SCHARFF, Robert G.	Descriptive Title of Project (Same as on Cover Sheet) HISTCRY of IIAJICOCK COUNTY MS.
Institutional A filiation (Department or school, institution, city, and state) non- affilated Mailing Address (il diHerenl from above) 		Telephone Numbers (with area codes) Office: *** 1 lomc:
	References (Names, departments, and institutions) 1.	Diana Nelson 		 .. Senior Technical Writer Century Design, Inc. 2.	David Waters Head, Interlibrary Loan dept.
Academic Rank: ?	I?tolcssor ? Instructor ?	Assoc. Piolessor ? Lecturer or Other ?	Asst. Professor (J No Academic Rank	CharlotteAfecJfcLeriburg Public Librar 3. Dr. Michael Greene . Dept of Curriculum-and Instruction Universitv of North Carol im/nViarl "
1.	Applicant's Name: Last, First, Middle SCHARFF, ROBERT G.
2.	Institution
3.	Descriptive Title of Project

Scharff, Robert G 031
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Hancock County Historical Society
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