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; I HAVING MORNING SUN, EVENING SHADE, GOOD WATER, BATHING, BOATING, FISHING AND A tabulatiojn of community advertising during 1927 compiled A. N. P. A. and published in the Editor and Publisher in their issue Miss. $18,000, which is probably'?(approximately correct. bjf the Bureau of Advertising of the of June 9th gives Bay St. Louis, Uij i. l w i_< , GULF BREEZE. As to whether it has been profitable is demonstrated by attendmce at one school ?only positive figures available? having increased from 185 to 425 scholars. Regardless of more medium priced but modern attractive residences being built in 1926-27 than in 50 years before yet today the supply of available satisfactory residences for rent in Bay St. Louis is ut- * | terly unequal to the demand. \ ) ' i This indicates a good opportunity for building Apartment Buildings or'an Apartment Hotel along the beach front as there are several excellent locations at workable ?prices. - The cumulative effect of this $18,000 worth of lurid ?but lucid? advertising has been based on facts ?not theories? and every prediction made such as Bridges, Sea Wall,< Paved Streets and Beach Boulevard Drive, are now facts and of themselves are commencing to exert their effect ayid this cumulative effect ivill be intensified by a now authorized Advertising expenditure, of $200,000.00 by the L. & N. Ry., nationally and specifically featuring the Gulf Coast also an advertising expenditure of $450,000.00 by New Orleans based on flood control stabilizing the Mississippi Cotton Delta, the Louisiana Sugar Bowl and New Orleans itself as a city. Also coyistant Gulf Coast advertising by the Illinois Central System. There is a possibility also some probability of enhancement of realty values not only in Bay St. Louis but more especially in our sister city of Waveland, the two communities adjoining each other, and are designated as the Bay-Waveland district of the Mississippi Gulf On account of present activity in grading and paving the beach land district looks unattractive but to those who can visualize its evolk ? ditions also to those, who recognize and realize its natural advantage present and prospective, and its proximity to New Orleans, Bay-Wav probably its best opportunity as it is now not a pre-development prop | is no assessment for the Sea Wall and Beach Boulevard Drive the en 1 district, as it is paid for entirely by a gasoline tax which is equitable tinctly decidedly popular. i IMPARTIAL, INTELLIGENT?INVESTIGATION INVITED. Coast. frontage of the entire Bay-Wave-tion or revohitio?i of former con-s, also transportation facilities, eland now offers possibly if not 6sition and last but not least, there tire length of the Bay-Wav eland , also just, and consequently dis-
Traub, Capt Charles 018