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SA.GE 11 of CHARTER 15 BENEFICIAL TO THE HEALTT, security,good order an& government of said the city|.; he '•hall have power to fin© any member of board not exceeding twenty dollars for improper or disorderly conduct at any meeting therefif; he shall have power to veto or disapprove any ordinance,rule or order adopted by said Aldermen whenever he my deem tho same inconsistent with this aot,or against tho interests cf the city, and in such case such ordinance,rule or order, .ihall not go into effect or bt* valid unless upon a question of its adoption over the veto it shall receive fora? voiceB of the Aldermen in its favor, to be recorded on its minutes; each ordinance shali. be submitted by the Secretary to the I'-ayor for his approval or disapproval on the day following its adoption by the Aldernen, .and the May or, if he shall a'sprove the same, shall sign it, approved by him,and the ordinance shall become a law as it may provide; if he disapprove the ordinance, he shall within three days after the Secretary shall have dolivered it to him, return the sane to the Secretary with his disapproval and reasons therefor in writing, addressed to the Board of I!ayor and Aldermen; if the Mayor shall fail to rotum the ordinance to the Secretary within the tire aforesaid with his action thereon on writing,the ordinr-ice bee one a lair according to its provisions without ‘dc.te the : ayor; the Secretary shall endorse on encl. to hlsi of delivery to th* Mayor, and also the t~,»;> ' Aldermen by the Kayor,and shall lay before the Bovjp n.ccompany 1^6 ' < ^.tl- the a at their noKt meeting vetoed ordina/ T*mioh by /p,ve/Povror comunication from tbjt 'j£j'orf ho ahal' + exCeedlnG one fine not exceeding fifty dollars,or / . , -nresai^0 ' /j^opn* conduct In P week,any person, e*1 pore one for ^ _ 0,,+vorlrJcd hereby RUW* of or for ftny disturbance 1 ,ir*iGr the ■ • V« trie and certify ^ to celebrate the rites of r*rttrifony»
BSL City Charters Shieldborough incororated to Bay Saint Louis - Feb 8, 1838 (18)