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16WC5-68/po/l 2479	16WC5-68/po/12478
We have long know of the connection of the Claiborne site to Poverty Point, but the current investigation promises to make the relationship much more significant than previously dreamed of. The study continues, but a great deal of scientific information has already been sent to us. While this is complicated and we await more results, a quote from the last correspondence follows:
“This lent considerable support to our previous conclusion that the mulberries found at Poverty Point most likely came from the Gulf Coast since their sandy compositions were similar to the coarse sandy PPOs found at Claiborne and very dissimilar to the silty PPOs typical of Poverty Point....”
The suggestion that the Claiborne mulberries made their way to Poverty Point begs important questions. Does this mean that Claiborne came first, or that it had some higher rank than Poverty Point? We do not know yet, but...

Claiborne Historical Site Guerin-Giardino-(011)
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