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Samuels, Paolo Vercellini, David Olive, Larry L. Needham, Donald G. Patterson Jr., Paolo Brambilla, Nicoletta Gavoni Stefania Casalini, Stefania Panazza, Wayman Turner and Pier Mario Gerthoux. Environmental Health Perspectives, July 2002 v110 i7 p629(6). Infant exposure to dioxin-like compounds in breast milk. (Chemical contaminants in breast milk: mini-monograph). Matthew Lorber and Linda Phillips. Environmental Health Perspectives, June 2002 v110 i6 pA325(8 Toxins and diabetes mellitus: an environmental connection? (Feature Article/Parker and Associates). Veronica G. Parker, Rachel M. Mayo, Barbara N. Logan, Barbara J. Holder and Patricia T. Smart. Diabetes Spectrum, Spring 2002 v15 i2 p109(4). Veterans and Agent Orange: Herbicides/Dioxin Exposure and Acute Myelogenous Leukemia in the Children of Vietnam Veterans. (From the Institute of Medicine (IOM)).(Brief Article) Science & Government Report, March 15, 2002 v32 i5 p7(2). Sexually dimorphic behavioral responses to prenatal dioxin exposure. (Articles). Rieko Hojo, Sander Stem, Grazyna Zareba, Vincent P. Markowski, Christopher Cox, James T. Kost and Bernard Weiss. Environmental Health Perspectives, March 2002 v110 i3 p247(8). Appeals court upholds classification of dioxin as "known" human carcinogen. Hazardous Waste Consultant, March 2002 v20 i3 p3.4(3). Elec. Coll.: .A88579279. Parental concentration of dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethene and polychlorinated biphenyls in Michigan fish eaters and sex ratio in offspring. Wilfried Karmaus, Suiying Huang and Lorraine Cameron. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Jan 2002 v44 i1 p8(6). Biochemical, neuropsychological, and neurological abnormalities following 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) exposure. Daniela Pelclova, Zdenka Fenclova, Zdenka Dlaskova, Pavel Urban, Edgar Lukas, Bohumir Prochazka, Christian Rappe, Jan Preiss, Anton Kocan and Jana Vejtupkova. Archives of Environmental Health, Nov-Dee 2001 v56 i6 p493(8). Developmental dental defects in children who reside by a river polluted by dioxins and furans. Paivi Holtta, Hannu Kiviranta, Anu Leppaniemi, Terttu Vartiainen, Pirjo-Liisa Lukinmaa and Satu Alaluusua. Archives of Environmental Health, Nov-Dee 2001 v56 i6p522(7). Spontaneous abortion, sex ratio, and paternal occupational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. (Articles). Teresa M., Christina C. Lawson, Elizabeth A. Whelan, David A. Dankovic, A. Deddens, Laurie A. Piacitelli, Jennita Reefhuis, Marie H., L. Barbara Connally and Marilyn A. Fingerhut. Environmental Perspectives, Nov 2001 v109 i11 p1127(6). 17
Dupont Air Hearings Sierra-Club-Recommendations-(19)