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?/ L-. VOLUME LXXXVIH? No. 143 ?V. Ml .jgp SUGAR TAWT Explosion Victim Native of ShipT? Jfoo?g?|& Stat* A r- '^-r- FOR PRESIDENT Document Is Expected to Be Presented Wilhm" Week: SOUTHERN FOREST ?BUDGET INCREASED Expert -Tells of- Progress Made in Growing Timber for Profit. BV PAUL WOOTOJf (Times-Picayune Staft- Representative* ? Washington. June 14.?With its preliminary discussion of the re- o port of it* commodity division virtually finished, the tariff commission today called upon its experts to compile tables and other sion in the report to be sulmiit-ter to the president in the sugar ease. Experts from the economic*, legal, accounting and sugar divisions of tha commission will begin work Monday on the preparation of the data reqaestad t>y the commission today and H* la hoped to have this completed within f week. With tW? tnformation before them. Of. the commission will set-lo the actual work of pre-WBfln^ iWf report for the president *k t*% executive will baae any ?clio* may taka In proclaiming a eha&ga farty on sugar. It probably will raqnifa two or three week * to Cljcranca Theg^i Bouryeoii, Victim of this' turret explosion on the dreadnought Mississippi, who wai born In Wareland, Mias., and rj?aa^*yf?rmarr*alde<Mk''Of Otw- leaM and jnembcr of the Wash-lagto n". Aj^niery. SURVIVOR GIVES CLUE TO CAUSE OF FATAL BLAST Air Pressure Failed to Clear Barrel of Gas, Is Suggestion. (By the Associated Prea<> 1 A _T^^lr rtf BY BOARD?S Gain of $12,583 Real hstate Valu Is Disciosec ?S FIG PROVIDE FOR ? * ?"-Bauer Asserts Sch< ;timates? Not Cot Are Correct An increase of $12,583, estate and fmprovem< tions for 1924, as comj 1923, was reported yej H. N. Umbach, presidf board of assessors. ??* Tha result will be an ? +8&},9G8.99~ yn rayeauater ? age, 27.5 on 85 p*T cant vaJ bring 1294,150.39, whlla th. S.2S mllla on 100 par cant will bring fl08,817.74. An 2.5 per cant Is subtracted lectable. The city return Is d1v( the departments as foUo* Board of liquidation, mill* ...................... Schooj board, T mill* ... City alksoay, ? 1-2 tniri* Fire and police depsTtinan 2 mllla ................. Sewarage and water board ml Us ....................... Total .....................? All departments excapt board have formed budf 1923 basis, so that tH# lr ? urp1u?. pure Accordlng
Bourgeois article-001