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About 15 miles North/of Greensboro, North Carolina, the rain ceased and the clouds began to lift. From Greensboro, N. C. to Spartanburg, S. C. the weather continued to improve and fro^ that point all the rest of the way home flying conditions were favorable*
I	reached Spartanburg at approximately 1:30 P.M. and began to think about eating, for the first time since I had taken off. I turned my portable radio set from the weather and beam reports I had been listening to 'continuously since I took off and tuned in on a musical program.
After I passed over Atlanta I found that my ground-speed had increased to 11Q	per	hour,	so	I decided to throttle back
about 100 revs	cruising	aa	I wished to save my fuel
supply and also to give, ay stout-hearted little engine a breathing spell.
By"the time I was within siyht of the city of Montgomery, Alabama, the weather was perfeot and the winds favorable and I was feeling so good over 1jhe smooth sailing that I reached back into the baggage oompartment, got out^my shaving kit and brushless shaving cream and shaved, as I had not taken time to shave before leaving New York.. The . ship was so stable that I Qfcmpleted shaving without putting myhaads on the controls. I flew on, over Mobile, and oh&nged my oourse for New Orleans.
The sun waa Just beginning to set as I reached Mobile.
At this time I knew that 1 had covered sufficient distance to break the record and on figuring my gas and oil remaining, found thftt I would easily be able to reach Galveston, Texas with a safe fuel res

Chapman, Henry B. Chapman-019
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