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- V V. lNT3-nviB^Siit^ ': Vi ? ?<' Enme. .A* Clay .. 1- ?? . , * . ,f ; Kary L. Jokidh. f -; ..- i' ? - ?; ',f I .- ;.v;- - ?; : . ?',. ?? ?? W{-'?' ASS7GR^-A :|l3i - ? - - 10 - '' ' / ?. An Imi&snee underground c.istorn still In use,'four feat > " . ? ?????? . ; r , ? . ? 7' ? 'above ground, with a capacity of fifteen or twenty thousandr ? ? J : Ballons vms built by s Frenchman b the name of Sanltal* ?JBe'. is'ad'^'J^.'.'vv: tho olily resident bricklayer ond v-us also a school teacher*-peouiinr combination* / / . j^ General Jackson never lived in the hot? but his.;rwph&w{ lived there for a short tine nnd finding tho land unprofitable'; for farming rottLrned to Tennessee . - ' ????'V ??" i i," ?.??>?= vj* ?-* -: ? ? ? ? '.;-l .'*>'? u ..( - .;? "yv ., ?fh? property-vjo8 Kicn leveed to Judge DebliaiacTor -^PY-.V ; "?T"' '/'1 ????? * v 99 veuT3?-:At,hi!5 death his sen, Jolm Deblieux remodeled it and '??' ' ? ?? S? j- ? >' ? ?? ?-.J" ??"?/y? >? ? ? ' \ ? ? lived tllere* '? ; t' ? ??': _.L . ????-.I ? - -????;:vV::-..-. ??; ;... - ? ? Hie honsc wag on ? lGth. oc;ction# v/gs leased to1 Gulf- ?' ;r--? side Ascsiably tJhsre Bishop Jones conducts a vocational sohool;-p.:-'V?";5*I ' ' . . v- for, colored boys end girls. Tho Joclajon House burned 4 -V. months pact but Bishop Jonso had built quite n group of.radditlon- ? S * - . ", al buildings;!aou still carries on t o school. ? '-iv! I Mrs* Johaston is the -widow of the In orge 'B# ? it-tiy. Johnston, formor sheriff of Ilp.noocK Cotrnty, She is bar daring on ' ' ' 94 ynars but Iior mind is cleor. ? \
DeBlieux 019