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journey of the kind in my life. I believe, only the heat to complain of, which was excessive as we approached the city, but we continued to bear it, and with the exception of a cold taken the day before we left the	boat,	we all continued	well. We
reached the place, Clifton,	on Tuesday, the Mail	boat from	the
City of New Orleans landed	us at	the bay at about	7 O'clock	on
Monday evening, we walked	up to	a boarding house	and remained
all night, and on Tuesday morning started in a little one horse affair for the place of our destination we were not less than six hours driving over, saw all the BEAUTIFUL beach, pine forest, waving moss, &c &c &c which I will not attempt to describe until I see you. we found Sammy upon our arrival sitting on the poarch in his shirt sleeves reading his news paper?he looks precisely as he did when he left us, neither fatter nor thinner, and is in fine health. the negroes are all well, and all delighted to see us. I will not describe any thing I see yet, for I have not been here long enough to have seen every thing?I walked down to the shell bank last evening, and was surprised to find a stream of water much larger than Stones river even when full of water. a beautiful stream, but the way to it is rough and disagreeable, and some mosquitoes, but not a great many?the house we are in is very open and very old, but much more comfortable than I expected to find it. there are no insects to trouble us, now, and we get along quite comfortably. I have visited all the houses on the place Gin house, Smoke house, chicken houses, and mill house & in fact every thing in the inclosure. spent most of the time on the porch or out in the yard, with but little annoyance from mosquitoes. the weather is quite cool to-day but very clear and bracing?Mr Jackson & Sammy have gone to look for ducks or fish.

Jackson Letters 019
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