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zi nn ? ??] I kr^ci MISSISSIPPI STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH VITAL RECORDS 1 4?.,?* iT/& Bureau of the Canaue S-(0iN C;.r iiCS?llALPr?Q^' * m ;5 .1343 department OF commerce STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ---------Corpor.U Llmtur ?? Mural -----------P^cirm_____ *<?i. nu n*. 1(WT?6 ?---- lssld? 1. PLACE OF OEATM? County____limrjU.Qn______________T imnl Hn?plt?it HQ3p__j. >?U.L. and Nufflbtr_? r-.-: -? _ Length of Stay Before Death, (a) In Hospital. iOi.daya^.. ? (b) In thla Community ? ? ? ??> ? ? z residence before death? ? ili33is3lp?i County Hanoock $'?;r Bay St. Lou 1^1..' 3. (a) FULL NAME Lira# Ann a Pcrr*. 3. (b) If veteran, name war.... 3 <c) Social Security No.______________________ 4. S' IS. Golor.or Race unite ? (b) Nam* of huaband or wife... 6 (a) Single, wldowfd, ma/rle^, married divorced.. 6 (c) Ago of huaband or wife if Eaile Pjrro. 7 S y.?. 1880 (Month) (Day) (Tear) 1. AGE: Yean Months Day* If feae than one day ?a - -- ---- I**. mln. t. Birthplace Nsw Orlaans. La. (City, towg or county^^^tate or foreign country) 10. Uaual occupation 11. industry or buelnei Ovm Hoh? Other oonditiona (Include precnancy within 3 months of death) 12. Name Jcffarson. SauJcnauu, iJ J?ffcr3on Pariah, La. j 13. Birthplace^ (City, town, or county) (Stale or foreign country) W fl4. Malden namo LAaai.s_3.?.u?LLfiiL._ Jsffsrson Pariah. La. oll5. Birthplace------------ 2 I (City. town, or county) (State or foreign country) ;s te. !sfWRMBS.s Parro. ....... <b) Addrvu Louis ,_____MiS_S_.______ it _______________(b, o.?._Zz24_-48 _ (Burial, cremation, or removal) (Month) (Day) (Year) Bay St.Louia, lliaa. (c) Place-------------?~?f-------------------- .-^.-Ephov Undertaking Cfc. It (a) Signature, funeral dlrectbF^.~~~.?i???--????.... <b> BjX_4^L?uj^_liLaa.._______________________ 1? (a) f/^J^LcV-S ____(Dale received local reylatrxr) L>cr Fersifft Born Hsw Lew ?n U. ft. T MEDICAL^-CKRTIFICATION 20. Date of de^h: J^onth-..^^*^^!^_________?<*y <r-/ y??f hour... 21. jh^terp^y certify that I at^ M._________it: ttSat I (ast'saw h^l^'alive on. . ^^2.f and that death occurred on the date and hvdr >UU<I afce??. OURAT/DN Immediate, cause of death_/7 ita, cause of doath_/^CX^3? 'ter*. MAJOR FINDINGS: tD A + * *\B * Of operation _ <-A Of autepay PHYSICIAN Und?H?M the c?vm to which Math a h e u I d be charged eta. tlatlcaUy. 22. If death waa due to external causes, fill In the following: (a) Aocident, suicide, or homicide (specify)............?--------? (b) Date of occurrence______________________?....??------------------ (e) Where did injury occur?.._________________ (City or town) (County) (State) (d) Did Injury occur In or about home, on farm. In Indurtrial place, In public place?.. (Specify type of place) THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE tS A TRUE ANO CORRECT COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE ON FILE IN THiS 0FF)CE "?A*y>y!>+0n F. E. Thompson. Jr.. M.D.. M.P H STATE HEALTH OFFICER September 30, 1993 Nita Cox Gunter STATE REGISTRAR WARNING: * REFROOUCTON Of THK OOCUMENT RENOERS n VDO ANO MMX DO NOT ACCEPT UNLESS EMBOSSED SEAL OF T>C USSSSPFI SttTE BOARO OF HEALTH IS PRESENT IT IS LLEOAL TO ALTER OR COUtTEDFBT TMS DOCUMENT
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