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DONORS January—March 2014 The Historic New Orleans Collection is honored to recognize and thank the following individuals and organizations for their financial and material donations. Dr. Douglas L. Adams Mr. and Mrs. H. Mark Adams Judy Ahrens Dr. G. Jerome and Linda F. Alesi Dr. Carol Allen Claudette Allison Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Anderson Anonymous Associated Office Systems (AOS) Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Aprill Stephen F. Armbruster Ann B. Bailey James Baird and Robert Booms Penny and Rene Bajeux Judy Bajoie Baptist Community Ministries Doris B. and William M. Barnett Corinne Barnwell Judy Y. Barrasso and Brent B. Barriere Diana Barrere Dr. Elizabeth Barron Grace Bauer Judge and Mrs. Peter Hill Beer Aimee and Michael Bell Jack Belsom Gary Bergeron Etienne Berthold Neil Robert Berzak Dr. Martha Beveridge Drew Bevolo Carol D. and Warren M. Billings Dr. Anthony W. Black Barbara K. Blackwell Edwin J. Blair Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bonner Jr. Elaine C. Boos and George A. Hero IV Joel L. Borrello Isabelle and Lester Bourg Leslie Lambour Bouterie and Larry Bouterie Gary Bradley Drs. Elizabeth and Robert Bray Anna and Adam Breaux Cathy and Gary H. Brewster Thomas David Brothers Dorothy Brown E. John Bullard Virginia F. and Peter G. Burke Harold H. Burns Judith Fos Burrus Mr. and Mrs. Peter Caldwell Donna Kay Campbell Kathleen and Robert Campo Leslie and Frank H. Carbon Jr. Marian Cardinale Rita Carlson Margaret and James Carriere Dr. Raphael Cassimere Jr. and Inez H. Cassimere Cesar A. Castillo Doris Cavey Ann and Joe Celano Carolyn R. Chaney Sherry L. Chavers and Karl F. Holzmuller Rosemay Ciaccio Ellen Barnett Cleary Pam and Michael Cohn Blanche M. Comiskey Conerly Floral Elizabeth and Lynton G. Cook William C. Cook Caitlin Cooper and Kay Fallon Courtney-Anne Sarpy Fund Dr. jean R. Cranmer Crescent Crown Distributing LLC Tom Cronin William R. Cullison III Frances C. Curtis Vicki Cusimano W. Page Dame III Marsh Davis Bert C. Davison Dr. Muriel Davisson Patti DelDuca Patricia C. Denechaud Patricia and Michael S. DePaul Sandra Derenbecker Madge B. Dicks Renee Dodge Dr. Testud Dominique Blaise Domino David W. Donze Mrs. Carl S. Downing Jill Dresser Charles Driebe Carol Ann Roberts Dumond Dr. Charles and Diane Dupin Wilson G. Duprey Marlene R. Duronslet Fernin F. Eaton Bernard E. Eble III Dr. and Mrs. J. Ollie Edmunds Jr. Haydee Lafaye Ellis and Frederick S. Ellis Scott S. Ellis Barbara Epstein and Kevin McEvoy Robert B. Evans Lisa Eveleigh and Louis Kyriakoudes Rosemary Baudier Favaloro Gervais Favrot Sheila B. Fernandez Tim L. Fields Jerry G. Fischer and John G. Turner R. Ann Ford Ben Foster Lee Friar Mrs. Miles Friedlander on behalf of French Antique Shop Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Frierson Theodore M., Louana H., and Monica A. Frois /Frois Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Fabian K. Fromherz John Geiser III Melissa A. Gibbs Jean M. Gibert Gay Rhodes Gladhart Lori and Philip Gordillo Erin M. Greenwald Thomas G. Halko Dr. Gerald V. Hannan Thomas Harrison Maureen and Douglas Hays Gretchen A. Hecht Imre I. Hegedus Pat and Terri Heimel Edward J. Hemard III Petra and John Hendry Delia Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hero III Kevin Herridge Dr. and Mrs. Gregor Hoffman Louise C. HofFman Melinda Holloway Katherine Hovas Dianne D. Huber Judge and Mrs. Henley A. Hunter Newton E. Hyslop Jr. J. Scott Chotin Jr. Family Community Fund Donald Jackson Amy A. Jacobs Natalie James Dr. Eric Jarvis Jefferson Historical Society Jan and Jim Jeter Barbara and Erik Johnsen Phillip J. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Jones Joseph Grima Bernard Family Ann M. Juneau Margie Kahn and David Graham Nicolas du Bellet Kariouk, John du Bellet Kariouk, and Paul du Bellet Kariouk Evelyn and Keith Katz Deborah M. and William G. Kenney Dr. Robert T. Kenny and Frederick Sakon Elizabeth Himel Killeen Timothy P. Killeen Sandra and Kenneth Kneipp Manuel L. Knight Matthew Knoblauch Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kramer Jerry L. Kubnick Rita Lambert Mr. and Mrs. James C. Landis LaPorte CPAs and Business Advisors Carol Larson Farrell C. Latour Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lawrence Charles E. Lebeuf Mrs. Edward F. LeBreton Jr. Michelle L. and Jason Leckert John K. Legleu Dr. Alfred E. Lemmon Joan L. Lennox Dr. Edward D. Levy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Levy Saundra K. Levy Brittany and Sidney Lewis Christopher L. Lewis Joyce R. Lewis Eddie Lirette Robert Wade Lloyd Carolyn Long George Long Margie L. and Antoine S. Luke Philip Luke Marjory M. Lyman Haydee P. and Kevin George Mackey Anne W. S. MacNeil Sharon Mader The Honorable Gary J. Mannina Dr. and Mrs. David V. Maraist Robb Marks Robbie Marshall Louise B. Martin Carol and Bill May Dr. Graham J. McDougall Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis McFaul John J. Mclnerney Jr. Alysse and Michael McLoughlin Jan Melancon and Mark H. Ellis Sam Menszer Margit E. Merey-Kadar Vicky Michel and Charles Gereighty Marilyn and Michael W. Mislove Marguerite Moisio Arianne Monnier James A. Moody Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Moore III Matthew B. Moreland Dr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Morgan Jr. Mary Martin Morrill Andree K. Moss Edith H. Mossy Mr. and Mrs. L. Garvey Fund Craig W. Murray Dr. M. Bert Myers and Mrs. Joel G. Myers Katherine B. Nachod Janet M. and Thomas F. Nagelin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Nelson Summer 2014 19
New Orleans Quarterly 2014 Summer (19)