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DIED: Monday, November 2(ith, at 7 :30 p. in., WM. T, BOARDMAN, aged 60 years, a native of Leonimster, Maas, Friends and acquaintances of the family and of the Sadler, Leonhard, and Walden families are invited to attend the funeral which will take place from his late residence on Wednesday, November 28th, at 11 a. m. Without further notice. TOO LATE. ? They strewed flowers so thick above hi* crave There was not room for more: ! Unstinted were the words of praise they pave, And-m*nv wept him aore- Yet he had lived among them many year*. Nor had be ever known _ The ofi-dc5ireti sympathy of tear*, Or the inspiring tone. They had been very quick to not* the flaw* That marred his dally life Alas! they seldom Fought to know the cause. Or aid him in hts strife. What did it matter that he uightly crievod O er faults that yet were strong? * ; Or that against RTeat oddb he ?tUl believed In right* instead oi ?fcront:! ?i k Vhaf "though he hungered for acme word of pr?l?e'- -- And longed for loving smile*? r Unhelpcd they let him climb life r steepest ways, * , I And grope through weary<nile*. But when his ears were deaf, and Wind hi? eye*. Then did they speak him fair' Pid aU their wakened kintUiess could deris?. And left love?s tribute there. OfrJenAs. If in your heart? there is to-day Some little love for mr. Wait hot to speak it o*er my ?ofllned clay, Whpn I Khali heedless be Give me while living of the lore J crave. And if yc must condemn. Speak your harth censures o'er my open grave. When I am dead to them. . 1 I shall not ne^d your praises then, but now j Even a tender touch Although I may not know just why or how, H*th power t-o help so much. Bury me If you will io poor estate. I shall not count it wrong. But civ** me love in lif*. nor l^t me wnit Jn loneliness so loni? ?Robert Wit taker, in N. V. Evangelist.
Boardman Family 020