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* 1981 t>y Myra Vjiderpctl Gwal?;. Stoh*/ tonffwity hte HUSBAND?S FULL NAMEi^' U ^-Vt/c fiftCvEK FAMILY GROUP SHEET surname c'Ar Event j Day Month Year City/Town/Ptoce County/Province State/Country FHF N1IMRFR Bom i NAm 1'r?v3??- Sources of this information: Marriedl 1 Livtd j' f\ ^ J 0 , > Died ! Places of Residences v.t\,, r, 7 i..c.Uii ( * Occupation Church Affiliation Military Strvies Other sswsts. if zai HisFatlwr ?. i- His Mother en?A OT?rP??i>A3 ^ . . WIFE?S FULL NAMEre' Erent ! Day Month Year City/Town/Place County/Province State/Country Bon I Married Lind Died | Places sf Residences Cnmpiled hy Ocsaoatwi Church Affiliation Address Military Senrjc*/0r Notes City Other ssousts, if any Stall! 71P Her Father Her Mother Date ' iii| Children's Names, it order otbirth Vitals Day Month Year City or Town County/Province State or Comtry I h 1 1 V? A'j ?,v/ it 11 Born Harried Spouse's lull name Died Lived 2 Horn Married Spouse's hiU name Died Lived 3 Born Married Spouse's tidl name Died Lived 4 Bom Married Spouse's tvU name Died lived 5 Born Married Spouse's lull name Died 1 Lived - i 6 Born Married Spouse's foil name Died lived 7 Born Married Spouse's full name Died Lived 8 Born Married Spouse's Suit nams Died lived 9 Born Married Spouse's ?uH name Died Lived 10 Born Marred Died ? Lived
Carver 一document-011