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r?TnrTya'?^'WTrrr?Tr8Trrr?~r?~TroTTV8'rg^TnnryTnnnnnr8 B'TnnrgTrrTrrB'Binnnra s sa~s~g oon o a oho oVb'bVbVb'o o ?h bYIiT R eflections OLLOWING A spectacular fund-raising day (this group collected more loney for Our Lady of the Gulf Church in one day than had ever been )ne before) this photo was made April 27, 1921, to record the event, osing in front of the Church are, first row, left to right, Ernest Leonhard, [rs. Kate Connor, Mrs. G.Y. Blaize, Mrs. Marshall Ballard, Rev. A. J. melch, pastor, Miss Elsie Sporl.Miss Pearl Fahey, Mrs. Claude uintini, Joseph 0. Mauffray, and Joseph S. Favre; second row, eonhard Franz, Henry Scafide, Charles Moreau, Dr. A.A. Kergosien, Dhn Buehler, Alvin Weinberg, Arthur Scafide, E.J. Arceneaux, A. Schiro and G. Maurigi; third row, C.A. Fricke, Albert Twickler, J.V. Bontemps, Sam Piazza, Arthur Loiacano, George Scheib, Asa Fayard, Henry Fayard and Anthony Loiacano; fourth row, Harry C. Glover, Frank Green, George Hoffman, E.J. Giering, A.R. Hart, Harry S. Saucier, S.L. Toquet, John A. Green, Charles A. Bandaret, and A. Batistella. Photo courtesy of Miss Elsa Mauffray. (Readers are urged to submit photos to the Echo for use in Reflections. Photos will be returned unharmed at the Echo office. Use of all pictures is left to the discretion of the editor.)
Kergosien 020