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Born- January 10,1888 Died- April 13,1977
Our great-grandfather, Jefferson Leon Seuzeneau, married after his first wife died. The second wife was named Mary Emma Thiel. They were married January 26,1887. The birth certificates of her children list St. Bernard Parish, LA, as her place of birth, but I was unable to obtain a birth certificate. [Never learned how to get information from St. Bernard, frustrating run around.]
I've heard two versions of her acceptance in the family. Emerald and Arthur Baudier recalled they (meaning Uncle Albert and perhaps our grandmother - the older children I assume) did not like her very much. Lucille Perre Kerch told me her mother, Aunt Naniet, loved her very much and said she was the only mother she knew. Lucille told me that Emma Thiel may have been born in St. Bernard Parish, LA, but Lucille understood she was from Bay St. Louis and that is the reason the family moved to Bay St. Louis.
Of the marriage of Jefferson Leon and Emma Thiel at least four children were born. Only the first born lived to maturity.
Louis George Seuzeneau, known as Uncle George (or Pops), was our grandmother's youngest surviving brother, and of course, he was her half-brother. He was for most of his life a ticket agent for the L&N railroad during the heyday of rail travel.
I understand he also owned a tavern in Bay St. Louis.
George Seuzeneau had four children, now all deceased. I have had contact with two descendants, a granddaughter ( Sheldon's daughter Phylis (Fee) Seuzeneau Genin) and a great-grandson (Donald Lagarde, III, his mother Jeannine (Trudy) Seuzeneau Lagarde was a daughter of George Seuzeneau, Jr.). There was very little information these two sources could supply although they certainly tried. Other than Fee Seuzeneau Genin, none of the George Seuzeneau's progeny reside in Bay St. Louis. Fee tried to contact relatives that are scattered in Florida,
Texas and California but without success.
I did not personally know Uncle George or any of his family. I recall being introduced to some of the Seuzeneaus at the home of Buoy and Mary from time to time but even those introductions are vague in my memory.
I do recall the tragic death of Malcolm (Jackie) Seuzeneau, Jr. I remember Mary and Buoy being very upset. I had forgotten this tragedy--, but located the death'notice in the New Orleans Public Library.
Andre Trawick, Jr.
August 1993

Seuzeneau 022
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