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L\ V , r -T/J" *** * * *=r-? * * yy *:*?*** * * + **? 3T?.,ST RAPTI3T ClTtnCH The State of Fississippi ) ^?po Hancock County............. ) V,. A. KcDOKALD For and in considerstiou of the sura of Two Hundred, fifty, (.^?50.CO) , Dollars f the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the F.'.rst Baptist Church, (white), of Pay ct. Louis, Mississippi, acting by and through VI. .'3tocksti.ll and jj . A. ".Tiyht, a majority of it.a Poard of Deacons, and the special ly appointed trustees to execute this conveyance , do'.s hereby sell and convey un*.o ' ? A. T.!cDon3lo, the land situuteo ? in the -econd ward of the said c tv of B&y Ot . I.ouis , s-.iid county and ::tate, and oescribec as fcllovvs, Seal by deed dated August, 2. 1895, and recorded? in Pooi: S papc 53 of the Deed Records of FuncocU County, tf.ississippi; boundeo as follows: f.oruy .eraetery; &ast by lands belong in" to said church; youth by Fusterbrook '.street; Us u by street. V.'itnea^ our signatures and the name of said church this the If: day of Kay 1925. ^'irut Baptist Chur ch By___Vi. stockstill______ ___F. A. V.'ri^ht_______ Trustees??" The State or Mississippi ) Hancock County............ . ) Personally appear?*' before the undersigned authority in and for the state and county aforesaid the above named v\ \ . iJtoc).still and F. A. T,"right, who severally aac- knowledped that they each signed and delivered t!v.-, foregoing, instrument on the day and yeai therein written as the act and deed of said church. Giv .n under my hand an I off' i&l seal thi.-, the 1?; day of May 1925. (2. I A L) ___A. A. Ker^oslen_________ ~Cfiancery Clerk By F. L. Kergosien D. c. TIT'S INSTRUMENT of v.O jh the foregoing is a recrrd was delivered to me to be recorded on the 8th day of July, >'?. D. 1941, at 8:55 o'clock A. K. and ivas recorded on th?, same day of the same month and \ear. ro - ?- ?^Z?r ^ ^r?LE!lK PY:___________________ D. C
Baptist Churches 1942 To 2004 003