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BEAUTIES VIE TOR CAMPUS QUEENS fROM HELP Of TWENTY ENTRIES As the school year draws to a close, students are busily studying personalities of the twenty candidates for Campus Queens. Students will haveahard time making a decision. Candidates are seniors: Myrna Quar-. term an, Carol Johnson, Diana Manning, Lynne Hall, and Anne Morreale; juniors - Aline Hobbs„ Vidalia Schultz, Virginia Breland, Edith Traub, and Margaret Pulizzano; sophomores - Lynn Rose, Carol Bourgeois, Nita Kay Erwin, Penny Sue Webre and Kathleen Schaefer; freshmen -Christy Torgerson, Kay Dprich, Leslie Stevens, Karen Lewis, and Diane Dickson. These girls were selected from votes cast by each class during the homeroom period. Out of the twenty girls listed, two from each class will be named Campus Queens. Voting will be done by the entire student body. Select the ones with personality and brains as well as beauty. Remember these girls are representatives of Bay Higfc,, Bay High's entry in the Mississippi Livestock and Rode® Queen Contest, held in Hatties™ burg, was Carleen Garvey, senior. Prior to the contest, Car™ leen attended a training clinic March 4-5 which was held ai Mississippi Southern's Charm School. She , attended this clinic •to learn poise and grace and to prepare for the main contest. All talent was presented during the davi Carleen competed with 28 contestants from different ■schools. The crown went to J© Ann Watts of Poplarville. J© Ann will now reign over ihe rodeo and she will receive a $250. scholarship to Mississippi Southern. LYNNE HALL CAROL JOHNSON DIANA MANNING ANN MORREALE MYRNA QUARTERMAN VIRGINIA BRELAND 1 ALINE HOBBS MARGARET PULIZZANO VIDALIA SCHULTZ EDITH TRAUB r* ' CAROL BOURGEOIS i* '' ‘ i' --I ?», n Jix- NITA KAY ERWIN & .it;..;. KATHLEEN SCHAEFER: PENNY SUE WEBRE DIANE DICKSON KAY DORICH KAREN LEWIS iLESUE STEVENS CHRISTY TORGERSON
Bay High The Student Prints 1960 articles (02)