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(T\ | 5_S / LA Title: 1c fiissisiipji tj'''.:sis arid Jeffrey / _^ ftuihar ’ ttintfha*. Katfcryn Tucker. Russell, H. R. Ciil it. (HQ) RISS-LA COLLECTICN H 133.12? UiND title. 19SD census of Miuiitic. Author • UruliKi States Bureau if the Census. Cali #: !HC) SIS3-LA REFERENCE MR 20!.54 UNIT 1980 Title: 1930 CfcHSUS Oi population. Author: United States. Bureau cf the Census. Ciil t- IHfi) RISS-LA REFERENCE lift 312.0973 NINE 1980 Tiile: 1990 census of housing. Anther United States. Bureau cf the Census. Cull #• (HQ! H13S-LA REFERENCE HR 31c.0973 CENS Title [‘990 census cf population and housing - characteristic,.; - Bay St. U-uis. Hiss Wiveland, Kiss. , Hancock County, Kiss. , Harrison County, Hiss. , Stone County, ftiss. ; Pearl River County, ftiss.] Authu.'• Ini ted States. Bureau of the Census. Ciil |: 'HQ) RISS-LA REFERENCE fi R 312.Q97621 NINE Title. 1990 ier.sus of population and housing. Auth;r: United States. Bureau cf the Census. Cali ft <H33 fllSS-LA REFERENCE HR 312.0973 CENS Title- 199C census of population and housing, ftuthar; United States. Bureau of the Census. Call *: >H6) RISS-LA REFERENCE HR 312.0973 CENS Title; 1 -*90 census of Deputation sr-d housing fiuth:r: United States. Bureau of the Census Call I- (MSI K1SS-LA REFERENCE "R 312.0973 CtNS Volume 01 Book Title. 1990 census of populalisn and housing Autiio: : United States. Bureau of the Census. Ciil #: (HQ) RISS-LA REFERENCE RR 312.0973 MINE 199C Title- ‘990 census of population Autfcoi . United States Bureau cf the Census C*ll #. !H2! I'.iSS-LA REFERENCE HR 312.0973 NINE 1990 Title- 1990 census o! population Author: Unites States Bureau of tne Census. tail #. i.HQ) RISS-LA REFERENCE HR 312.0973 MINE Title: 75th anniversary, 1893-1968. Author: First National San* cf 6ik#i. He 11, Hazei. Coll #. (HQ; Ri53-LA COLLECTION R 976.213 HCLT Title: Avidi,>ri tc Cajun : ti ansf or*atisn of a people. 18C3-1S77 / Author. Srasseaux, Carl A. Call *• (H8) RISS-LA COLLECTION <_ 974.30041 3RAS
Library Hancock County MS LA Collection Document (006)