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Mississippi Parish History -1 of 8- [NBCC SPOTLIGHT]
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Btaefc Catholic Monthly Is Your Communion Holy?
One of the great concerns I share with many of my brother priests centers on the cavalier manner in which some of the faithful approach Holy Communion today. Given our Catholic belief that the Lord Jesus Christ is really, truly, substantially present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, one would expect that this great gift would be handled with the greatest care, reverence, and devotion by each and every practicing Catholic. Alas, that is not always the case. Read Full Story
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Mississippi Parish History:
(Article. Page 1 of 8)
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"As A Working Church Grows..."
On the Mississippi Coast, so justly admired by tourists as one of those spots on this earth of unforgettable beauty, the little village of DeLisle rests, four miles north of the famous resort of Pass Christian.
The first land record of an inhabitant on Bayou de Lisle is John B Saucier in the year~^7l2; while Marshalf Joseph Nicaise settleaofi the French Saucier grant in 1781, a grant of 800 arpents or acres, with a title from the United States. Thirteen years later, Philip Saucier was owner of the same land that is in 1?94. On the east side of Wolf River we find Charles Ladner. 1811; Chevalier Dedeaux, 1810; and on the north side of Wolf Kiver. Pierri^Moran. 1796; on Bayou de Lisle, Raymond Lizana. 1807.
From that time, these Catholics were attended by missionaries coming either from Mobile or New Orleans.
Pope Gregory VXI established the Diocese of Natchez on July 28, 1837. He appointed Bishop Chancg
Bishop Chani Stanislai
The territory of our Parish was at that time the mission area of Bay St. Louis and we
Article Index
A History of St. Pius V Parish: 1919-2003
Mississippi Parish History: "As A Working Church Grows..."
Neighbor-To-Neighbor: Outreach To Evangelization!!
Our Savior Catholic Church
St. Bemardine's Parish... "God Will Give The Increase!"
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church
St. Monica Parish
The Congress IX Host Committee as Parish
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