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WHISU1SAS, by deed dated November 14, 1959, and recorded iri Vol.
i-l-5j "jiajjfts 332-33 of the Hancock County Deed Records, Harry Cabral,
Jr?, atld wife, Margaret Urauer Cabral, conveyed unto >i>iUrice Kouchon
and Wifej Florenco I*"* Uodchon, 'the follovirii??described property '
located in lianbock Oomtty, Mississippi, and more par Li c-ilarly
described as follows, to-wit?
f)e."inni?-: at an iron stake 10 foot. from the river on the iiast side of Smythe Sti'eet and iiast Pearl Hiver; ihonce running on a courso North 51? iiast, a distance of 51v>.3 feet; thence running on a course South 49-3/4? Iiast, a distance of 417 feet;' thence rimnili"? oh a course i?outh-i	west to 'iiast Pearl liiverj a distance of 840 feat;? thence
followin' she. dast 3ahk o.f? ^ast- Pearl diver in <i northerly 1	direction a distance of 350 f?.?t to a point which is 10
feet distant on boarin: >oni:.i 5J? '.?es!: fron .In: point of ba.?ifitting thoncc .North 51?	10	feet to i n' point of
beginiin*. Containin' 4 .?..?.i t ;:, wire or loan, r,i ( nein". a portion of the original uMbn'xe ?Jaina* ?Vao(., Action 13, Township . 8 rieunh,- iUm-;-* !.- .vst* Hancock Oo.?utv, Mississippi;	.
?	VHEllEAS, ' fho above described property cons-.:] fcntes .i part of a O.ort-ain narccl of .land acciuired ey :-!e.rry Cabral, Jr., .?ryni Hr. aucl 'Mr's. Jamos M* Hudson, L>y deed da ted j-Vbraary b, J.9..S3, an.I record?.d. v in. Vol. J-.T, dii^ch ".5.1.-'1*2, of:. tIioi'ai'i>roMu.d Deed iteuordsi j ulid
?	,^f-2{UAS| deed dated 'Sentwnbar 3, 1957, and recorded ini. Vol. \.i' .. L-5,; >iia.?os ;75-7b, of -the aforesaid Oocd Kecords, Hav;-,' Jahral, Jr.l and wife j Margaret ? .'Jraner. Cabral, coavayed unto Frank J. LopicolLo,
Ji?V>?-anbther iuircci of Hie . same	tired	by	JUuvv	Cabral*	Jr*	'
?? ? ?. ?? .; from, I'ii'i and lir fe?' 'June'S II* Uriel son: and
i j, >? '? -.*v	... '	.	?.	.	-.	?	?	?	!;;*.???
'/IhJJWAS,	datfcd	July	10,	and	record^. in Voli.L-0,
.?I	^70-7,1,	of	tl.e .?aforesaid Weed .Accords)' the- said i?Vank; J?rv'!*?* ';?;.V.r2.1
Lo^icol.lo,*./iJi,?'^'' ci)iiV6yed;..uutO' tfilltiuis'on i?* Seal tlju 'pa^cjol/; of, iand."^ acquired ?by him from-the mi ^ Hai'ry Cabral, Jr*ahd'.wife'j:';' V-
'	V.'	.	.	.!	.?	*	?.(tyi't .-.i'/1. 1 1
. aii'r	?	'?	?	?	?	??	-,v;	*.v	is
?	,;7	!?"	:?	'	V	?	?	'V	<>y-yh,	i
?' . t 'Wj-IGUEASy' it .how apptsara that there were-'e'eiftain ?erri>ri''^^?WsfcM.r;7^
?I'jscrip'tibh of: thd latid first above 'described! artil	ifp-

Cabral, Emory (Rouchon) Cabral-003
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Hancock County Historical Society
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