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't 3WTi??. ..... ipt. Robert Eager?* Compnny.* . vears. * ; on a Muster Rollf ;Eager1.* Co. (Shieldsborough Rifles'), iinty of Hancock, Stute of Mississippi, called the service of the State of Mississippi. June 29, 1861. Roll dated 6 , 186/. j rhoni 186 /. [into service ]*? /. urks:. oompaoj was successively designated as Captain ny, Captain Tonlme?s Company, (Old) Company r) Company F, 3d Regiment Mississippi Iofaniry. at on r611 shows: ?* Mustered in July Gth, 18*>I 4 ? {mode la the M. S. OlHce. War Department, id f-aa-orurfnal record borrowed from tbe Director of I History. Juotcsoa, MW3.-M- S. 93U010. Copyist jt------------------ (Ooaaijr* CatfL J. V. Toulme?s Company (Shieldsboro Rifles), 3 Reg-?t Mississippi Volunteers.* Company Muster Boll :T>r(jauiiLation named nbove~calr<yJirito tin; gl-. service of the Confederate Slates of America, fc r/fo/& '.. 1X6 . d^&/r. /ft / , 186 ilere . f-. wlmn 4ieii Here ed into service; tW 4 a 18G /. J* The comnrfsMoiied officers, non-commis-Lotticers and privates of the Shieldsborough Be* whose names are affixed to this muster roll, ;iijf on this 5th day of Octol^r, 1861, trangtcrred STthe service of the Confederate States of America, ? prj?sents do signify their readiness to serve lid Confederate States for during the time originally enlisted in the service of the State sistiippi but do solemnly protest n^iiinst unv m of their term of service lx*yond that by iriginally contmcU'd for with the State of ippi. company was successively designated as Captnin " npany, Captain Toulm?'s Company. (Old) Compnny ?w) Company F, 3d Keijiroent Mississippi-lahntry Copyist. mi. .r SIv-&v i-
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