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The children of Josppi'i K. Careneuve: and hurtna Longren oa'/encuve: Jest-j o: now deceased, itarried Augustus ^, also now ..;eceasoi, , three children: -iu.?ustus Llmer Jr., Joseph Gazeneuve a.lmer, also dece sed i.ut surviv 'd by widow, Ruth i-?urphy i.lrnor >n i their laughter, ,.uth r.lmcr i)accomb; Jessie?s daughter, Martha, her thir<, U: nvjrricd to bhelton Hendricks* i abol: now 'ece.aned, r* .:<rried Robert Loo", also now deceased, six n: ?;obcrh, Jr. (ws have heard nothing from or of .in in n-re tran f'tlftoon ye.-irs; Joseph :V.C.Loog; dharles :)ou- las Loog; Andrew Lo-.g, a flier i n . orld nr Two, killed in action but survived by vi?ow ???cm re-ri; arried, ami their iau~hter, ndy, also in her second ? arr;a",e;^nd twin daughters, ^ art ha Lodg Lilly and *--iry . -'.rgaret he or, kh?ams ? . aryfs usual signature 5 s tfary- .. ; 'fi p.The- t in -.iris wo* e jV&bvl?s younrsst chil.-'ron. Clementine: bur-/ivesarrie ! Bernard ??? O?-Corcrior who is deceased; thre'e -children: Martha '.?Connor Graft, Dornard .. . C ? Connor, Jr., and I ary Frances hack who is deceased but survived by a daughter, Francine i ack Huffman. , deceased, married Alvin i:. Lccwell, also deceased, no children. deceased. survives i deceased ;?..arried twice, both ?widows deceased; three daughters by firstvK.arraige: Frances riiely, icuth Campbelland, Joan Oen- niek; all th?ee daughters have children Joseph F. Careueuve and Martha L. Gazeneuve had another sonj^abian Louis Casensuvf?, ???ho :ied in infancy, lie w-as their fourth child. ? Joseph- Gaz-neuve died October 1C, 1924; 'f?ar?tha L. ?Ga?eneuve died February 1, 1396., One of Joe Loog?s sons'who gets about'the-country a~p:reat deal, I'X&ways looks through telephone directories to see if there are any Loop;s listed, bo far he has found m'only two: Mrs. Anne Loog 1501 Parkside Ave. Swing, N.J. - \ Roland H. Loog - - 2810 Eastern Pkwy. Orlando , Fla. Gertrude: Ir^rie-: Ruth: Joseph:
Cazeneuve 003