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triplicate (To be given to declarant) No_____________ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 999- DECLARATIOM OF INTENTION (Invalid for ail purposes seven years after the date hereof) Ua i t.nd-Stftto3?og-Aaoy-Jlc-a?- In the A ----------------?- Court ?f--Uivi t o(1---S1>fttes--------ai --Ex-itwi-yrlitrrri-csi'p'D a which baa b?en used, must appear bere ) a <atyorto?i.------- Jian- {3-sin----------------------- , aged QPj............ years, do declare on oath that my personal description is: i,____(Tubrunioli.Jarka................ ? % _ . ? (Fuji txue nama, mithoutabbrerlatioQ. and any other nam^whlc! now residing at......X3i A* _ (Number and straat) occupation ____XlSllOlTtnit................. Sex ....doLo........., color ...wlli.tG_____ ....., complexion oJLi-VQ_____________________________________> color of eyes .... color of hair jdtU.Uc.-.llLTOLV/iV^.gX?-n-yheight-5. feet....3-____inches; weight ___pounds; visible distinctive marks ...lia:Lton..jci?icii-^or-cua.,xi-................-................-.............................-.........................-...? race____ jllia.ilir.iall...................._.....; nationality....................-.............-....?-----------------------. ? on........... ....-........ ibirr I was born in-------------I3.tiSCQIlU03ffi-............?........................... , (City or town) (Country) I am __.HO_u.__ married. The name of my wife or husband is__________________^? we were married ou ............? ...........? ?.............., at ? ^ ?...........................................?^siia.or he was (Month) (Day) (Year) (Cityortowo) (State or country) born at............~n ?-- ?........................................., on________??................................................, entered the United States (Cityortowo) (State or country) (Month) (Day) (Year) at ...................................................., on................._r*_......................., for permanent residence therein, and now (City or town) (State) (Month) (Der) (Year) resides at.....................r.................................... I have________410........ children, and the name, date and place of birth, (City or town) (State or eocntry) and place of residence of each of said children are as follows: ............................................................................................ :c:. I have I1Q?L. heretofore made a declaration of intention: Number? at ____, on. (City or town) my last foreign residence was _______3CS-COJ4-U0-VO-- (City or tow I emigrated to the United States of America from......... _ _ _ ??.?-??.? 0--------------------------------- ~ ? ?---------------? (Kama ot court) .J?a.5?l*Q---------------------------------..................................... (City or town) s (Oyancry) my lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was at___________________________HQXi- Y-OL-lC-.....................?f - -Vo->>V-? _ - . (CiEy or wwo) vStattf^ under the name of ___&Ubl^iUxCil-JOX'iCO -,Tr?...........................---------------------, on-------........................-----..... on the vessel .....SiL.JL?Si.^Eu.ul1.*..............-....-...........-..........---------------------------------------------------------------- ? (If ocher tliaa by Teatei. ataCe manner oi arrival) I will, before being admitted to citizenship, renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, aiid particularly,*by name, to the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of which I may be at the time of admission a citizen or subject; I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to reside permanently therein; and I certify that the photograph affixed to the duplicate and triplicate hereof is a likeness of me: So help me God. (SECUR?UYi)Mi|i> PERMANENTLY AFFIX ?'?StTOTOQRAPH HERE) (The seal of the court will be> as to cover a portion of the photograph)" . _____s^L-ik-.,.,------------- (Oriental ai*nature of dMiawUyfe^oufc abbreviation. alao alias, if uaed) Subscribed and sworn to before me inTSe" MB.ce of the Clerk of said Court, atlill ClK-Lyl2XG lilnS-i upi? this 2&~~? day of __Upry...............? anno Domini 19.33. XK336e .W ? ? lie" p'fioto^a^^^^^ ness of the declarant. X3 X 957^LJTcKld^Jr-............ Clerjpcj the J_\i_0_li........ .....Court. [seal] By ;gt. Form 2-202?L-A U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR -?>#-* IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE w-: DePuty ?ierk- f 14?2623 v. a. oomNMXN? rmrrtsi orncs
Cubranich, Jorko Cubranich-003