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4?104=0 Bureau of Land Management 0MS065 ?(0ctob*r-19_5- tKfje {Hntteti States of America, ?0 all to toljom tfjege presents stfjall come, 4?reettna: WHEREAS, Baere is new* deposited in the Bureau of Land Management, trrld^nce, whereby it appears that the Private Land Claim of Peter Darrlg&de, being Claim Ho. 93 In the Report of Commissioner Cnarford for the District East of Pearl Rim (American State Papers, Gales & Seaton Edition, Volme 3* page 11), vaa confixmed by Seetion 3 of the Act of fcSarch 3# X819 (3 Stat. 528)* and that the aald claim has been regularly surveyed and described as follows j St. Stephana Meridian, Mississippi. ?P. 8 S., R* 13 W., See* 20, All; T* 8 S.* R. 1* W., Sec* *il| All* She areas described aggregate 329*61 acres, according to the Official Plats of the Surreys of the said Land, approved December 10, 1829 and December 9# 1829# respectively, on file in the Bureau of Land Managements Rdr KNOW *HS, *Ebat the UNITES) STASES OF AMERICA, in consideration of the premises, BAS GIVES ABB GRAFTED, and by these presents DOES GOT AND GRAHfl? unto the said Peter Darrigade, and to his heirs, the tracts of Land above described; TO HAVE AHD TO BOLD the same, together vith all the rights, privileges, lamunl* ties, and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said Peter Darrigade, and to his heirs and assigns forever* In Testimony Whereof, the undersigned authorized officer of the Bureau of Land Management, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of June 17, 1948 (62 Stat., 476), has, in the name of "the United States, caused these letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the Bureau to be hereunto ? affixed. Given under my hand, in the District of Columbia, the FUTH day of MARCH in the year of [SEAL] our Lord one thousand nine hundred and FIFTT-EXGHT and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and BIGOT-SECOND* Patent Number For the Director, Bureau of Land Management. By ................. Chief, Patents Section. 10?21679-3 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE
Derrigade 003