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S J L v I v *-U Mv. .- Mrs: U ?>Uo and IT. White < z Eufcon r-.-.,, was icy, josterday j wlicc are, :ao ilvaovy. ahuui vjuu jvcli. axm w **.r? jv Rifinber or Cedar Grove Camp, W. O. W.t ar.-l a Mason. The funeral took place at ?* o?clock this afternoon, conducted by- these locoes*. Dccedcnt leavea a wife, seven children, his mother, Mrs. Celine Garce-ble-1; tv/o .sisters, Mrs. Florence Smelker anrt Madeline Cardoble?3. also two. broilr-rs. Domir.:c?ae G:irdeblc?l, of T-a., auci lulward GaiUeblcd, of Jiay Sc Lcui.s. -it sen j ? end aj \\jrhias! Funcrai of uaston G. rinrdcljV.i. . BAY ST. LOUIS. .MISS., July t1?? "!:>? ir.neral of Onsion G. GardeoioJ took pl^.co hire to-day and was ore o' .ihe largest and most irr.pressivo ever Witnessed here. It was cor.d -id Jo? the Masonic Order, with r.;v. r. jlS. Co":rc'.l Hating- as chaplair . cf ?-?"p Maso.'j. Jurtfrc TV. T. McDouall, rn.iste:* Oi :?ie lodge. read the servit?e of rom:r.:tT.iI. Rev. Dr. Duftv, o? t'.io C';:i Celto Anglo-American Church i I?-piiOt'pal), in Tuli canonical rohes of tr.c oliurcr., marched in tho rear of the procession. The deceased was a .v.c r of Cedar Grovo Camp. '\V. Cj \V? w-.ic:. attended :n a full bo<lvl Tiie s-.:rv;vinpr members of his fami?,/ are widow and seven children, hfs three sisters ?T.lrs. Octave Fnyard. Florer.c* Smoi-rer and ril-w Madeline Gardehtod?.inu two IJdward ar.d I'.jmn ?I;, r :>ieC ? ?? : ?. i. ? t. *. ? .?? r. . .? i .... ? ? V. I . . :t ? ' .: u i .* ^'?*'i ?...1 ilv'opt;J.wUU auu ouvtvvu vut-v 4 many ways, especially as an advocate oi public improvements, more and bel ter streets, more lights, etc., al'.-i above ail, was a friend and gpersuj workerfor the public schools. No 0? ^ mayor of this city was a better a( ^ ncre active friend to public educ;j:, ? than h^. >ii . ! lie was an exempt mombor.of th<h ; .cal fire company, a member of ir _ , Woodmen of tho World, Coder G !c Camp No. 507, and a prominent ? His funeral, which was lteld fro:u:?.^-lato residence ia Second street, was un-r der the auspices of the local lodge o j Masons. The funeral was .largely attended, testifying to the estaejn in which.? ilr. Gardebled had been held, and afte^ the remdns had been tenderly con.* 'signed to tae sacred bosom of mothe1^ ?earth, in the hallowed precincts of'Cc*. 'dar Kest Cemetery, the fivsiuy-rnau.;-mour.d was banked high with flora .'tiiliutcs as a sentijient thaS silcnt'.y.i' ?yet eloquently and forcibly, bospo!os CAIID OP THAN::S. ? viil.'.'.v .-.iii ci'.iiilro.s ?t :.j:i 0. U, wish. ^ y;l\\;'.k ,i: ? and to express :t?p -: ;? ;i; ti'.O iocrt.1 M:viOaic!'-C.- .' Cc .'...p, Xo. .'07, ?' .bers ,>r;d f-:o:id' vha c-:.C .-ar ci^-... . :-.r ?. i-z.' .a :i.' ,<:nd- i . -0.??.5 ii .?? ri I'.OjfJ : . -jr In ?r/.itvjc:c. -C. i a ii;.', ';if. V* A\U wii iLr*j! I) v. -.he e.-itecm ir. which tho deceased im1 veoi: held by his ir.erul) and tho pu. ..u-MUrlOl!? iiu.-U'- ic. Tlio fuiiCral one of tho ',i<, ever held in this city. The J. iL.a Woodiuen orders attended 01V ,m.-t Hiany fri'?.nds froni out of to.. i-o prsica'i. Thi borc'.yi'.a Jaaiilv has^th.: syra pathy of tho comruanity in their i.ou of sorrow. :.Ir. iJuniinX- \?. CJ irdebie.i, or h-t y i;, a vfl.iio ;1( . ^?:0d b> -:'J .. ,a .... i.h G, (;, V, 4 ".vi \; ; 1 :?{
Gardebled 1913-pg-2