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2 "Gabriel Allen And wife Annie McKinney my grandparents moved to Tenn. settled on Cumberland River. 1 am not informed the/ moved from Tenn. to M?ae. Territory about the year 1812 and eettled near Holmesville, Miss. Judging from the ages of their children, they must have been born about 1775? *nd they had 0 ohildren, George, Felix, Barnabas, Garrett, Mary, Elitaboth, Esther, Sally. George married a Hiss 3ug has H children, James, Barnabas, John, Elieabeth, and others. Ffclix married a Miss Williams, had 3 ohildren, Christine and two sisters. Elieabeth married Cornelious McGraw and had two children, Annie and Nanoy. George Allen married Elir.aboth Magee had two children, Elbert and Angelina. Darnabas married Sally Banksdale, children Elmore, Benton, Nancy, and others. Garrett married Malay Gatlin, children Sophia Esther Allen married Henry Raglin, their ohildren, Sally, Mary, Elir.a, and Henry Walton. Sally married Dr. Charles W, Harris, children Emily, Eveline, Charles and others. Mary married Dr. Wiley P. Harris, childmn named Amanthia, Hlngamon, lobert, and others. Elica married Dr. Eagln and had one child. Henry W. Raglin married Anna Jane Magee, children named Henry, Esther, Elisabeth, And Joaie. Anna Franklin, Cynthia, Huldon, Elieabeth Ami Emolino Huldon married an Irvin. Elica. married Dr. Pearson they settled in Daotrop Co. Tex. about 18**0 had a son living in Bastrop in 10?**. My father had two uncles living in Southeast Miss, when it was a territory their names woro Phillip and Soloman. Fleet, John, William, and Joseph Magee were my father's cousins 1 had information their mother maidon name was Scott a sister to my grandmother Mageo. They lived near Montioelloe Lawrenoe Co. Miss, in 1830, Parks one of the early settlers of Waco, Tex. was a relation of my father. My uncle Barnabus Allen informed me in 18V2 that Pat and Bill Jaok who took part in early days of the Republic of Tex. were relatives of ours. The McKinneys of Galveston, Tex. in early days of the Republic wore relatives of n\y Allen Connection. /s/ F. W, Magee 3r, to F. W. Magee Jr. " The second document is a letter written on June 2, 1930* by Rosa E. Ginn (1850-1933) to her niece, Kate Mae Olnn Elltey, giving Information concerning family relationship! The original of this letter is now In the hands of this writer, writton in pencil and somowhat fadod, but the following is copied therefrom! "Juno 2, 1930 Mrs. Kate Ginn Dear Kales I want ton bother you a little dont know when I can come Kate I have a dress like this sample too mnko I want you too send mo by the return mall a white lace collar liko one In the picturo and a little while vost for tlw front "My flramlpA Ginn had 8 sons, Newland Jack Ginn, Jourdan Ginn, Montfort Ginn died at home, Haveraon Ginn died at Columbuo, Clifton Kerger Ginn, Gholson Gilbert Ginn, Seymore Ginn, Hillard Fllmore Ginn. Have given you their correot names but can't give their ages. His three girls were Ellon Taminthana Ginn, Rachel Ann Oinn, Talltha Clomentine Ginn. Kate, I can't give you their ages, Aunt Ellen married Lem Gray, Aunt Rachel married Tom May, Aunt Clem married Billie Magee. Kate, you might get their ages at Aunt Mag Ginns. I think thoy got the old Ginn Bible. "P.S. Tho names of Grandpa Ginn's sisters, there wore 8 sisters, Clara Ginn married a Miller, Torry Ginn married a Magee, Eveline Ginn marriod an Alford, Jane Ginn married a Magee, Thaney Ginn marriod a Drock, Harriet Ginn married a Mageo, this Harriett Ginn was Cousin Wade Magoe'a mothor, Ellea Ginn married a Magee, Alelhia Ginn marriod a Magee. There woro throe brothers, Hughrlah Oinn, Sebastian Olnn, Honry Ginn died when a young man. 3 "Kate, the old Oinn home is where the old Collins home is now. My grandpa Hughriah Ginn's father and mother lived there and was burled there when they died and you perhaps may have seen the old graveyard. I neVer was there but I think It la 3 milea southeast of Tylertown. I don't know how long they lived there and I don't know where they came from. Ma never did aee them, she only heard of them when ohe got in tho Oinn family. They may have tombs at their old graves and I know nothing only what my motlier used to tell mo about. I think I have a great to romomber it all and me quite young when told. "P.S. Wow, my grandma Ginn's madon name was Smith and she had 4 brothers. There names are Danel Smith, one John Smith, one William Smith, and one Jake Smith, and one sister died in Toxas. Her name was Talltha and married a Magee think he was called Dick Magee. And it was said those Smiths were part Dutch. I never heard whore they came from. No, my great grandfather and mother Smith are buried at the Jon May graveyard that?used to be there home when they died they may have tombs and daten for 1 heard Mother say they were welthy poople, and I can remember seeing old Uncle William Smith his son, him and hia wife Angeline were buried at Joe May's and a daughlor Margret Smith Paine. Think you could get datea and ages from thoir tombs, "Kate, my Pa died July 16, 1862 in Granada, Miss, of measles in tho Confederate Army. I think there ought to be a pension prepared for me. We children could not remember him. Buddy was only 6 or 0 months old at hla death. "My mothor'n brothors names, Joel J. Bullock, Davis I. B. Bullock, Jesse L. Bullock, Aloxandor Alonco Bullock, one born dead if had lived named Jim Jordan Bullock, two sinters, Cynthia Ellen Bullock, Louisa Bullook. Mother's first baby, a girl named Cyntha Jane Brumfield, Bud John's sister, died 6 or 8 months old. "P.S. Orandma Bullock's mother's maiden name Barkley, first married Brumfield, her iiecond marriage waa Roborson, I think Mother said there were 3 children last marriage if you could aee Uncle Jesse Bullock he could give you more information about it. I saw Mat Andrews at Salem Sunday. 1 ask her if she ever heard Uncle Lamb say whore the Bullocks came from. Said she heard them aay they came from North Carolina, that was all she knows. I ask Alec Brumfield if he ever heard Uncle Ike say whore the Brumfields came from. He said ho heard him say three brothors came to this country and married the three Holmes sisters. Grandma Hullock wan Caroline Brumfield born Doc. 3? 1007, Orandpa Hup,h Bullock waa born Snpt. 5. l^O'J. Grandpa Bullock's broUmra names, Tom Bullock, Richard Bullock, Jo? Bullock, Sam Bullock, Hugh Bullock, Loimiol Bullock, Sim Bullock, 1 think Umro woro 8, Imt this in all I can romembor. If I remember rite I never heard HoUmr apeak of but two Aunt Aida and Aunt Bedia, them waa Grandpa Bullock's two sisters, "My ^reat grandfather Bullock's namo was Joel and his wifo's name was Roda and* h?r maiden namo was Roda Davla, and Kate, right whore Prentiss is now, is built on a fart of my groat grandfather Jool Bullock's placo, was called Whitesald, 1 unnd to hear Ma aay they would rido horoeback ami all go to visit hor grandpa and grandma Bullock up to Whiteoand to oeo thorn Christmas. Now, that is tho way }v>opln unod to visit, thoy did not have cars nor buggies thom days. Thoy ail wnril horsolvnck far and near, quite a change in everything. "Kate, now I will toll you why the Bullocks and Davies wero ao closely connected. Eaotor Bullock marriod Cousin Andrew Davis grandfather, and Roda Davis married
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