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siithvM*.3t quarter <-? tha sarth v<eat ^'-rlo^r, the west half of the smith west quartet} ? soutVi oaot quovtor of tjv: c-i, th was*	ur.3 the south half of the coyth oast
jarter of wcotior. thirteen; the soul!- ! ;-.lf : T the r.ortfc east quarter tha south half f tho luo-th v;?ot quartor, the r. ???;.>?.*?. ?..?oat ji.ri'ft-;v of the north treat quartor/L'vJ tho gou!;v	of ao on Fourton;-^ *-h?; north o jusa'tor atv.1 th?v oest holf of the south
Pit:!- .roar tor of sootier* fifteon; tic iao>-'/ ho-.-'; I ho oaut' bul f : *-Iir? s.ntlh uor.t quartar and the south oast quarter f sootier. enfcoen and all. of section oi.'hteon the; VT-sa t half of tho oorth ?c:st	*:	r^rth vest .oortor, the oust naif
c> ' tho south west quortar and tho oout h v..?t ??via rtor of. soottea uln^yo-;, Uus dist half of the *rorth east; qir--,to:-, i. \e	TK-ut	qu&rtor of t?-io :.oi- Vn .ont quarter
1' c- nor th half of %fco north v/sst ^oorter an;! the south half of tha couth v-i3t |- /
a. artsr of seat So#? t?snt<v, tho euat naif ssvi i n " orth vteat quarter of aestior. twenty
^;r- ,.. ,. ... .
o	q. Tho So si "half of the north n . at qirirbr and the south half of section twenty trv/o , lie 7?u fit bn If of soot ion tw.ity	-south half of tha south -float quarter
a A the aouth half .of the south oaat onoiMu;- ,f soot ion twenty four the nor tlx half of tho ..orth east quarter thu a out'. v'oot -jnartor of tho : orth o^st quarter the north half of tha . orth tteat qiu.-rtar a no if c half r.f is a aouth anst ouartor of section tv.:onty ?lvd,tha	west	his If of tha a	-?;*th	?c?t quarter end the aoi-th	oust
quartor of 36cti<Su tv/arit^ -	six	'ho ::<.r t* ?-u?!	f -if	tho north -:oat quortor tho	north
half of tho north woot quarter an i tho ?ou*'-: o....t juartcr of sootloi. t-voniy uc"&n,
the south	-ruurtor	of	the	ooiih	?/ ?,;? t	tho	nf?rth	half*	of	th?	s->*;!,Ji
wa&t o war ter of seottor; t!mr !:y-..:	ihu-lf; tl.e ueat h?;lf o" the p.outh ..ost<i?r,...,tM..jHirt.h...9fta.t	oil AJic. aouth,	oo.^t	quarter, thy j^rth,	___
?f .tho. soiltIi._p.gat. qaarter aad. tho oast, V&iS t^. iha?th_o.a^...................
thlr.fe..:yiQ so^th west.......qaartar of. tho......oprth....... ,at ;uartor, tho oast, half or tho south
thirty tvo oroi
??e3.t..ouarM?. ifflfl...tM	Lirty	-
throft. tha .north-oaa'; quarto:; , t;:o v/ofet v.i i ?? or l;h.e rortr voot quarter .ooi ti.o Koatli viost tiuart^g of asotipj^	i?oor-and t o	uurth htiJf of the north oant quart^r
ana the v**$ h$tf of ,soot lor. tliirtv fivj contain ins 1? all. Twelve thousand, oix hundrad nhd \llnoty three, acres and ntnaty four har.drodtr.o of an acre an'I oontainins in too ug Tomato Ti?dhty five; th-.nsnr.d, 3l:< hun;i.r;.;d ar.i sixty t.hroo aoras ami tor-nunviradtha of evl ftre, acoor^ino to the Off 1>? ial. Pl&t-i of s\irvuy of tha ^atd lunos r?t-ums<l to the Gcr?cr;-;1 Land off Loo by tho o'-rv^yor Gooeral, oou fr.r i;hioh hho GOYsruor r>t' tl?e sat<U 8tat?- of :*ia3l33ij>vi 'H;. on t'to fifteenth h 7 of !!o"o;)roor,
on? thpsiiiaist oi^nt luu(lri&4 eighty - four r aj ioat a pat*:}t to. b& isuyad to the said dtat?, aa-. 1	in:	the	.aforooaia	Act.	.-
Lfow knoT? jo. 7hat y*c- United States of A.^oriwa. la cionatilsrati ?n of tho premiaua',u|!?r in abnformity ?it.h the Aot of Jon.'reaa aforeaai4; Have givaa ar:u granted, aJHl prosoots de*giva and ;-;j-aat, unto tho a aid State of Uiaslsaippi ia fea siUpl"';k^j|,ept to the disposal of tiio la^ialatur^ .thoreof tho t-uots of land
aoova a? orio^d. ?	. ^
To Hava and to feld tha msa? toacthar with all tha rights, priyllamas, iimunities.
'*? ?
and appnrtonanaos thareta	,	unto	the	said-State of Mississippi in f00
simple and . to its aaslgna fpsovor-.	,	:i *
In t^atlaony v/hereof. 1 Oh^atsr i?, Arthur, Prwaidcttt of tha. United* of .

Kergosien 003
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Hancock County Historical Society
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