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Thursday, January 7,1999 Fid?s motto or self-proclaimed job description was always ?do what is right.? He was generous in every way. To be helpful one thing he did was write. ?Put it in writing? was advice he often gave. lid wrote - books, letters ?to the kids? (copies of which went to some relatives his senior), legal opinions and documents. He wrote about his life, work, family and Lord. He delighted in the correct word. Most of all he believed in The Word Made Flesh, the I xml Jesus. He wrote that he wanted ?Amazing Grace? sung at this service. In that hymn, it says ?when we?ve been there 10,000 years...? lid?s years with us here are over, but his years in Christ are just continuing on. "Do not be too sad, for I have merely been gathered up by my friend and Savior, Jesus Christ, and I am now with Him and our Father in Heaven. For me there are no more sorrows, no more troubles, no more pain - only eternal light, life and Love. ? - Edwin R. Ling Most of us have only known Ed for part of his life. His resume ?is appended?. 1 hope that some of the interesting highlights as he had set them out would add to your memories of him. lid wrote - ?There is only one other and very important thing. Ask my friends to do a good deed or tell a good joke to someone in my memory. I?d really like that - either of the latter.? - Sue Ling Edwin Rodger Ling, Sr. DATE OF BIRTH: MARITAL STATUS: BAR STATUS: November 17, 1931. Happily married with 5 children & 1 grandson. U.S. Supreme Court (1962); Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals (1981); & Federal District Courts & State Courts of Mississippi (1981), Alabama (1973) & Kansas (1957). SECURITY CLEARANCES: I lave held Secret, Top Secret & Q clearances. PRE-LEGAL EDUCATION: Bom & reared in & near Wichita, Kansas, graduated from Wichita High School North (1950) & Grinnell College (B.A. Cum Laude 1954): Phi Beta Kappa & Younker I lonor Scholar. LEGAL EDUCATION: New York University School of Law (Juris Doctor 1957): Root-Tilden Scholar, Editor-in-Chief of NYU Law Bulletin & National Chairman of American I>aw Student Association Committee on Moot Court. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Presently am retired, but do consult re Government contracts & procurement, proposal preparation, disputes, claims & protests. During Federal career was heavily involved in this type of law (many contracts of multi-millions of dollars) & all aspects of Federal labor law (including Davis-Bacon, Service ('ontract, Jones, Walsh-Mealy & Fair Labor Standards Acts), Minority Business development, EEO compliance, personnel, retailing, insurance, security & land management. Served as Counsel to over 100 source evaluation boards & successfully defended all protests, including to U.S. Comptroller General. Have also practiced before the SBA, OPM, EEOC, DOE & Armed Services/NASA Boards of Contract Appeals & for Extraordinary Contractual Relief. Also permitted and had a private practice of law. Retired from the Federal Service in December, 1986 as a GM-15 Special Assistant to the NASA General Counsel in Washington, DC. (Drafted the NASA Attorney?s Manual). For prior ten years was the Chief Counsel at NASA?s John- C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County, Mississippi, a 140,000 acre Federal installation employing over 4,000 persons. (Was third in chain-of-command.) Also served as Center?s Labor Relations, Community Relations & Food Services Officers; established & served as Operations Manager for the Center?s Exchange. During fiscal years 1984-85, served as Executive Director of the Mississippi Governor?s Office of Administrative Services, in charge of all personnel, property,
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