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?cLva,tcL ^o^Jiua. na^ieA, Chatted. vJte*t he, f<&v CtZxzayi&y assAOXAAAd^
-	(}ohyt f'jiO?jyi aft&i, the, y''aA. bstaee*i the. StateA ca. (joh*t ZoaxiA.
o-tejffo-zd Kta^Led C'-Lddi] t'cr^ze. be^oJts. he. v)ca.	cad	vxza.	the.
t Of tao babZeA. b&loJtc. cokuuuj, o{ aye. avA. tuidouteA I 'ot/i&A, cjA 4p-Ujcr, Gsts. b untied bt PeabL -'-s-Opsc. Cemtatif.
Ca Qas-is. 6, IS 5^ -itf. f?'eZpo*tetz& -4^tast, betueejt (i/GAcuLeAy rj3'j> ?xar.^oA^,) arid. (-?Jfuute. noto.SaAatoGa. &t,teeZA.) bt] the. i!eiJx>d^t rJc,ito4. j; .	.	?i iJoi/djtaa, 4.VvejpJt Cfuhtck, he. izasiA,ied Eu&U.*ie, f'a^Aui. '?cus/c.ich, . bo-at -m
?'J:	'rip^Lt	5, 183^, daucjJltcy'!, o{	-LLUmZI Gild ChZo&
I	'IcjuticJz, <Aw	bo^iA	to fUr*	d^iZdstek, %oit,t	cud	{-ton. boif<s^
if .	tiuzLoe. ^eyiLi.	bo&i	fiaciiAJi 4, 11	S6 - dLed(}tute.	16,	1897;	f'Csbiort AL^jJAa.
>	[vjbJLch -icci ba-t*i ttouc&bs,t 26, 1858; Cihe.L&'tsA. 'taz&ick. botn 1jckucU5] 6,
4	I So 1; 9o'Ica? J.ejp, box*t De&axbest 25, 1863; Jleom J-eortabd bo&t i ?Ct] 22,1868;
Cu^-atc U-icstO't bo ?'at	23, 1270, died 9eb'iaa&.f II, 1912; 9 da. (je't-
^	&uul& bo-iit 29, 1377, died tiouaxbeA. IS, 1832 aid Sii&xzyt. ZvaJJum. bo'trt
^Uatc. 25, 1878. ?j'lO'Ui 'Jio4A cleat!', djzZeA. ?oJ,toti> ?isrzcdiateM} a?~tcA. tluz bistth
>-	d&tcA. died ht ?U'lfcsictj ft** childl&iA.
(lotion fUenZda. ooaaajzA ?Jhoe&A. Qavcnp&tt. ffatj 29, 1875 (elope.-
sicrtfc) a*td bo'te. abouit	ci^Ltdjtcn	oj lahoa ourji-t JsLoed to rMZUvbitij.
-,	'j?wztcA. boM? 1376 died o'; if&Lto# ^cu&z. 1378. 4'ztJuix. bo'ivt hz 1877; JUZIaxla
bo'tsi in 1871 >:xyt*Ujcd	Ca-tZ&ujt	-the. QcJLL o? 18^'6, bo^& hiss. &m c/ustd-
?zaz atd died 0?1 Ioc!Umji) ec/chf hi 1899;	bo-tiZ 1880 lyzbtslad ^co-s^e.
Oor,rJf oym 4ca Qzo-'tc.z. aui ["fco-tSzc?uym. bc-tc h:a o-Ae. dxzarht?,*^, fdyuz i'lCy*^U>A	???..?UiAuVO. Ci*A ho-'C, t JO	Oivl twO (LsiX-JlrtcAii*. fl'lij-i'td.a i:U2,l>'.l&d
!)csAJLyMvA iwjij.e-s. and licxl ttvo -dovia. cuA ^ciot. djuirhtc/zA.. [tlir-L r;io,t&Led {Jo4.
?'Z'tccivt, one. daurf^tcst* !'c/'d>?/it Stc'Jj?o-A ^atexfJO'tt. uta^tted. c*id be-$ot one. -dow. fl-itfiti*. cuzd ( es'tcif both rja^i&d. but had. yvo Of^^p^iAj-uz. [theZdf
x,cA !a:t<ifriz.h ,::a,t,t,Lcd''caa-itc ?-i-UicJi Coe, A?-ie. 23, 1889 c*v.l b&jat &x> <^LaJL^

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