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and bronchial difficulties, the writer can testify from personal experience. His observation also proves that in several instances, persons suffering from pulmonary complaints have been benefited. In the case of a gentleman from Chicago, who from appearances was a sufferer from phthisis of an advanced stage, a residence of four months during the winter of 1892-3 produced a remarkable improvement.	x
A moral of great force, says a late issue of the New Orleans Times-Democrat, has been pointed at the neighboring Gulf resorts by the visit thereto of the Governor of Illinois. Gov. Altgeld was a sufferer from some neurotic disease, and after a stay of some weeks at Tass Christian he left yesterday for his Chicago home perfectly recuperated. Accompanying the Governor was his physician, the distinguished Chas. Prague, M. D., of Chicago. Dr. Prague said, in conversation with a Times-Democrat representative at the Mexican Gulf Hotel night before last, that he has chosen Pass Christian as the resort for his patient in preference to any of the Florida resorts. “These lakeside resorts," paid I)r. Prague, are infinitely superior to the winter resorts of Florida, for those suffering with either nervous or pulmonary troubles. In nine cases out of ten it isoneof thesetwoclasses of ailments that bring the in valid to the Southern winter resorts. In Florida the circumjacent rank vegetation inevitably decomposes and gives forth miasmatic vapors. Persons who are run down and debilitated are naturally very susceptible to malaria, and it not infrequently happens that though in a place of this kind a person may be cured of the specific ailment for which he is under treatment, he will yet acquife a malarial complication which is far worse. These Gulf Coast resorts are the ideal for the treatment of the diseases I have reference to. The days are warm, the nights cool; the air is dry and sweet and redolent with the odor of pines and salt. I say this advisedly. Gov. Altgeld’s improvement has been remarkable while here, and I have no hesitation in repeating that the Gulf resorts, such as Pass Christian, Bay St. Louis. Biloxi, Ocean Springs and the others are away ahead of the Florida resorts in natural advantages.'’
A recent instance of marked and rapid improvement in a case of great physical prostration and a bronchial ailment, is furnished in the case of the Rev. Dr. H. W. Thomas, the eminent pastor of the People’s Church, in Chicago, who visited Ocean Springs in March, and remaining one month returned home restored to his normal condition of health. During his stay he was able to accept invitations to fill the pulpits of two of the churches of the city.
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Mexican Gulf Coast The Mexican Gulf Coast on Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound - Illustrated (21)
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