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Fepterrber 1871* to June 1375
September 2, IB7U - Tetter fror Bhieldsboro, Miss., fron Adalbert Anes to j'rs, Blanche Butler Awes in ?-'assecrnasetts.
"... I shall leave vord with Judge Chandler to buy the UDulange place if he c*>n get it for it? encumbranceF--?one three thousand dollars. It vill be very cheao rronerty ot puch a firure. ..." (nape 20-21)
November 7, 187^- offered ?3500 for Boulange piece vith only ?? 335 cash and pay interest Dn ?31^5 tcortgag'7 but lar,.y varts r*+500. (pwges 55 end 67)
farch l1*, 1375 ? Vrs. Blanche Eutler Awes ot Jackson, Misc. to
her mother Mrs. BenJ. F. Butler in Y.'ashin^ton* D.C.
Plan for family to go to Nev Orleans for e veek ? "by that tiire the house at the Eay vill, I trust, be ready to receive us,
(page 98)
Verch 20, 1875 letter fron Nev Orleans (oage 100)
M. , . Furniture is being sold at suction for a S?ong. It does not seerr right to allov such opportunitier to pass. The people here are so poor they cannot buy anything that is at ell extravagant?
t'erch 37, 1875 letter frotr Mrs. Fenj. F. Butler tx at
Y*ashingtcn,B.C. to daughter ?*rs. Blanche at Pay Louis
(Page 100-101)
". . . By this tirse you are at Bay St. !.ouis fitting up the house. . . . You fit up the house. I conclude, thst Gen*l Arses cay have 0 healthy spot to flee to during the sumner. I knov the difficultly there vas last year to his leaving the state. . .
April 6, 1875 1 fetter fror. Bay ?t. Louie Vrs. Ames to Mrs. BenJ.
P. Butler (pages 100-101) Vol. II
Ve carse over yesterday from Nev Orleans. The house is not yet ready for us, but vill fce no in a day or so. I thought ve could hasten the vork by being here and have it done more satisfactorily.
Cur visit in Ilev Orleans vas very pleasant, and everything vas done to rcake our stay agreeable, but I vas all the tiwe uneasy about the children, for there vas a great deal of sraallpox throughout the city, and soire cases in the neighborhood.
Here it is very delightful. The house looks directly over the vater to rhip Island, and the glare of the sunlight on.the vaves is softened by the trees, vhich grov to the edge of the shore.
The roo^s in the house are high studded, large, and vill look quite tasteful vhen furnished.

Ames, Adelbert 021
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