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? THE NATIONAL AERONAUTIC ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE W. W. BRINCKERHOFF 96 WsllStriit Ytrk, N. Y. J. CARROLL CONE Pun Amtrican Airways Pttt WrntbtL. I., NT Y. F. C. CRAWFORD 2 m Cl*rk*~iK"i CUnUnd, Obit ARTHUR S. DUDLEY S*er*mtittt Chsmbtrtf Cemmtrtt Sacrsmtntt, Cslijtrnia FLOYD E. EVANS Dtftrtmtnt tf Atrtnantici Laming, Micbigsn A. I. LODWICK 420 Ltnm^ttn Armtt Niw Y*k, N. Y. A. H. NEAR B*vman Fitli LsMtmllt, Ktftacky OLIVER L. PARKS 7 McKm^br L**? Claytrn, Mittmri JAMES E. WEBB Sftrri Gjrttctft Ctmfany, Inc. Brmklyn, N. Y. GENERAL COUNSEL HOWARD C. KNOTTS 205 S. Sixth Strut SfrtngfitlJ, 111. DISTRICT VICE-PRESIDENTS GLYNNE M. JONES Mmmcifml Airport Btttn, Maj s. C. S. JONES 5}4 BnaJ Strut Ntwark, N .J. FRANKLIN K. LANE Wardman Park lilt11 Wajbingtan, D. C. DOUGLAS O. LANGSTAFF Sbmtban Airport N#?r OrUsnt, L*. C. w. SEIBERUNG Stihrlttrj Tirt (T Rubbtr Company Aknn, Obit L. A. VILAS JJW S. Ktttnar Attnmt Cbicsga, 11 limit C. w. FRANCE Cmrtitt-Wri^bt Air plant C*. Ktbtrtim, Mt. MOSS PATTERSON 410 W. N*iUStr?t OkUbams City, Oils. HARRY K. COFFEY 4)0 Amtrican Bank Building Ptrtlond, Ortgam DUPONT CIRCLE ? WASHINGTON ? DC October 193? Mr. Henry E. Chnpmrai Chapman Air L'ervioe Nov; Orleans Airport Mew Orleans, Louisiana Doar Mr. Chapman: I am pleased to send you hernv/i Iii y ? -ur file copy of the Contest Board's official report"to the F A I/on the Airline Distance PecurH f v ll^ht ;jemplanes of the second category, v/hioli you r.s+.;.i lir.h^d October 1,\, 1?39* The original of Uiis rep l?t, ho^etli^r v?i!-,li the required fee and the Roard? c reeomRCMd*! I i;-n that the performance be entered on the official li;:t of International aircraft records, jn today beinjr forwarded to Paris. We shall inform you iinmedi.M teiy as r-oon as word has been received froiii the FAT Gt ilinc, that the performance has been recognized as the official Airline Distance Record for light seaplanes of this class. The refund from your deposit of #30, aftor deducting necessary fees '-nd pxpcnrf?c, ri LI bo re turned to you at that time also. Giricrrely yours, Char'le Assistant Geer yr'i ^7 2S 0. Dogs^rii retory, Ci/iUvl "o CSLxbeh Fnclosure
Chapman, Henry B. Chapman-021