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Samuel Jackson to Sarah Jackson
Clifton Febuary*. [blank] 1858
Dear Ma
I am again seated in my old room at marshy Lonesome to write you that, we arrived at this place safely and all well, we arrived here thirteen days from the time we left Nashville. we were two days at Clarksville. I was with Willie for some time he was well And speaking of returning to Nashville in a month or two. I did not have time to see Dr Martin at Memphis. I could not have seen him if I had time as we got there about 2 oclock in the night. I had Andrews letter to him put in the Office. We got to New Orleans on thursday And remained on the Boat till friday. we went over to a Schooner that Pa had chartered got every thing on board and dropped down to to the lake, expecting to go out the next morning, but we had what is called "head wind, and in consequence of it had to remain there till Monday morning. We got in Malatto Bayou about 12 oclock And the current was so strong we could not go up till next day. I supose Pa will reach you, before this letter, and will give you all the particulars.
I found my two dogs well, when I arrived but shortly after Pa left Dash was in the Garden with me. I heard Bounce bark, but paid no attention him, in a few moments Dash came out and I noticed him holding his head differently from his way of holding it, so I went up to him and found he had been bitten by a snake.
I called Ben and we gave him some brandy, but he commenced swelling very rappidly and in half an hour he was dead, it must certainly have been a rattle snake, although I could not find him. I would rather have lost one hundred dollars than him. I

Jackson Letters 021
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