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Cousin Ora's Aec'vmt ? ?. -rvi^-janx; or Pearl River Her father was the youngest of 13 children.He v;a8 Sam Ruse ?oite,ent Tha son of William James Poitevent aafi Mary H, Huss.msn Mary rU8* carried she vae a very young girl .probably about iS.she vas aUo a very handsome Uncle Sade discribes her.I aention tHs &e cousin Ora is said to have been the acst beautiful member of ths ?&:&. ily.She is in her gO*s now but one can see that this is true because she is still handscase.My aether tells se that she remembere her as the moet fcsauriful person she has ever seen,and vhen they vere all young. beauty in avs. they used to lust eit and yatch her ehe-vae-e?-feda?;fci#?i*. There are other members of the family who are lovely to lock at also,as I have mentioned the looks are said to inherited fros Mary Russ. Cousin Cra mentioned to ae on one trip that her gra&dfather W.J.P.hafi three viv-ee.Cne being a Gause. In Mr thigpens book he mentions that Mary Suss was ill having her 13?th child,and that the Kimball's too> cvar the care of Elizabeth Poitevent.Sa? Poitevent being the baby V-nr he renembers him as being big tiny person so much so that sfc needed hie mother?s care and tiae.Mary Russ's tscsstsne re^ds June 16. October?} IS19 - died IS 73* She vas ??,W.J.P. *#- 100a?tone reads June jr-.ISlI May l*i,lg-90. Hevae Jo, Cousin Cra sayg s.' and fat.I as told that Kary Rubs v?ae a plantation house had many delicate features built just fcr nsr.Ss&ll ste?ps on the stair,for one.Cousin 0 asntions that \-ne 'ere see ??.*.& the back of the and that her grandfather had the stair- bitut in fcie bask of the house because of this.He has a ehaisdu-ungs f.* rs back hall where he used to enjoy taking hie nap.There U a P?ctc-?rapfc of this house in Mr.Thig,en? house va* inherit^ * Adolph ,Uncle Delphie,Cousin Cra oaUs nlss.fce ms on-
Pearl Rivers Tulane -1