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??? boys .He	sold	it to hi. neph.v.L.nord	Xlaball	?,?? .	?
,	.	msmU-a	kicholeofc va4 * *
torn	down	and	used	parts	nf	kr	u	-
pans	or	bt	wh?n	be	omit hie	counts,	v,
0^ -r .	_	h0T5^	in	gav
St. Lewie. The stairs, mantle etc 1 arc told
c*i ?? told by ayaunt Kre.wm, th_t
a n architect frl.nd of h?. 4?Cr?*i ? ?. .nmu	,?KSi
a J<MD? .It stood on a veTybeautiful slt? on the bank ?f Fearl	,
took a trip up to SalnBVlll, about maroh or thl? ye?r,;?t tfc, pear tr=es *er? beginning to blo?.Mi,?nd I v,.nt	to	.? ,uu
ta such an enchanting place.The house had steed on a very high bluff, just vhere the river made a large sharp bend, bo that one could see both up stream and. down at the sasae time.Thie was ay first trip to Gain avllle .1 vas vith my newly acquired friend .Gladys Baxter .formerly of
Logtown aM now of Pearlington,Miss,She and her fasily ar- from ole
Mho were foraerly cf vilairiPtcn N.C established families of this area,and she pointed out all the places
where ehe remembered homes to have been.A leo the site of the old County Courthouse .The square has never had another bulls in? or it since or has it "been ueed for anything slsesince the Courte house burned The new courthouse and County seat now being Bay St. Levie.has record back to lg53, We went to the site where the cemetery has. been.It vae a lovely little olace .where there had been the church also,There vat a fence around the vhole thing ,and inside.a fenced off plot wher. -r,~ Poitevent family and many relations had been baired.It had nt b?ert long since people had been notified by the U.S.Sot?,to attend to moving the graves,All the toomstonee vere gone
rv*a <aar>th had been, scooped up at small little places where t^e earsn na ?
, v	fhc	zone of th3
many different places close by,just oat -~	^
Bite.I happen to have a list of names of all t..e ma.k
, k , the Picayune I tern .Picayune Jttes readable was prinv-j	nWhis	is
*	Hilda Form by Hoffn?n)This is
(it va. gotten up by a ? Bavla an .	^	^
4	1 n**r.fUl to have Mrs Hoffman* s address 16 1
simply wonderful to naye.	^
Road Plaoe(Hobll0-Al*-<ln July 2	-	?;
and there were so aany
?dd asoved to

Pearl Rivers Tulane -2
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Hancock County Historical Society
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