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Th# old Pol Utvtmto lira! ?i 1 ,lf.i a lumber oo.ln Onlnevi u P it afl 81081* hoiut;h wtrs! Of bridk i? tY ? * ? " B,"aJ1 ?n fl'^yp.TheyiuPM tv -1.4 r r 7 "lw bMk *?u w-??-??u,:;th* ?y "i,U h0d " ? *...................................................... told that tht tllOfH Drof 1 tnhi ? Ki obit balnea* >*?* nbl r.pi ng.Unoio tSndf( myp th?t ?hen th. ?,t*r M,,h rut ? r,?. U1, t|le rlvi>r ;r jHekdon,My Br?mlmothuI. Bfll|)U, Polteye?t ??? w^ p ohua.nho told i,h?t all the iu?b?- ?.o. ClMam IWu cm from Pearl 1 iiftton ,Une. fc. eaye Lla> brick* went to Ship lrl?r?i. th* E?as Jettya (Uno E 1b nam >d for Cptn.Ende) Ui.o E.nfln le Urn fltm of John fnth^r^alfio"J 'P? ' 6 oW6Rt ^iW.John Polt>. v?nt war my KrHridmothcr1 n b Cousin Ora mention** much of ini-rest, about ihs civil War .John. P Itevsant,Adolph,and June were all In the oalal ry,John vap. a opt-n,I atii told that hu mot hi o wit 6 Emily TDottier vhon one dny f*h6 ?aw him in uniform on horseback ,arul ran uo to him to ^ive ? ] lit,it; flflj' nhe had embrolred.They were married durinj' t-he v?ar.??4CfMy prnnd-mother vhn born $n li$65>(*he would be 100 yearr old now,My grand mothe iad Cptn John P.and Emily Toomer are all burled 1 n Panrvlln^ton Mlsr.) Sam P.belnp? too youmr to fl^hfc In the C.war told C.0r? some thlnpn that he remembered ,ont? being that there w?p h terrible bottle at Turtle Skin Creek. Ho was n hare foot boy ft ad went down after to neo Many dend horeye all floating.! Ther?.Coultin O.told me that her grand father W.J.P.bulIt 3 ship* for thr Confederacy and Umt altar th? war President Llnesoln wrote a letter eaji in# that It wan n Juwt? be paid. | million dollar*.Of eournr It never war. n? r, the North didn't w?nt to pay a southerner.One E,payft that after the vnr that the buyu were put In prison on Ship Ip land .The Fort v#*e there and tor f-om r#e?on they vere kept prieloner thtre.He father built a house in Hor?<?y , alro ??ld tb?t Hi* ***"*? I i
Pearl Rivers Tulane -3