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^JJctncoclt Con nftj Jfistorica (Society, J n POST OFFICE BOX 1340 BAY ST. LOUIS. MISSISSIPPI 3BS20 18 July 1987 Mr. Marc Hammack Post Office Box 571 Jackson, Mississippi 39205-0571 Dear Mr. Hammack: We have received Mr. Hilliard's welcome letter of June 23, 1987 informing us that Mr. A1 Elmore of the Division of Tourism has funds for our Battle of Bay St. Louis marker. Consequently, we have appointed a committee consisting of Mrs. Peggy Gibbons, Mr. Richard Bayhi and myself, Charles Gray, to assist in whatever ways possible the execution and installation of the marker. Subsequently, we submit the attached grid with the suggested wording for the marker that was worked out previously with Mr. Norman Chronister. It reads: NAVAL BATTLE IN BAY ST. LOUIS HERE ON DEC. 14, 1814, FIVE U. S. GUNBOATS CONTESTED THE PASSAGE OF A BRITISH FLEET INTO LAKE BORGNE. THIS WAS THE LAST NAVAL DEFENSE OFFERED BY THE U. S. BEFORE THE VICTORY OF GEN. ANDREW JACKSON OF NEW ORLEANS. Please tell us exactly what steps we should take next to assure that the marker can be made and delivered in time for its anniversary date in December. Are there any new and/or specific regulations concerning its location that we should be aware of? Mayor Victor Frackiewicz has proposed a very attractive and well-traveled site on a high point of land overlooking the Bay of St. Louis from Beach Boulevard at the head of Ulman Street. He has offered every assistance in accommodating whatever may be required for the location of the marker. Do we need to have this location approved by the Department of Archives and History? 1
Battle of 1814 P1