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-2T. :-:-‘:V^ > r:'---. -?::XTp to tne pr es^U-fcime*':pidtsiae oil ^z^jp.-^ue/piy^L&^imi gg^-fogy itlcilalaagelajaro ^liwuea' by. private IanividuCla^^"14^^ Sg^fspr'. :0vpo3ses3’"Sculptures py-"tnis great Mast err :^g^^»/Lou.yrer' Maseamr Paris, owas “3iue Two Slaves”*^ Ijlg^^^&Soutiii'KeiiSiugtOiji Museum, LOiiaOixr owns 1 ;2*ie Lova^^ ^^#Btu%es''Catu.earair' Brussels* owns "Tue Virgi^aajc^ElSe^^ra -• Bpmxrag© Museum, St. Petersuurg, Russia, owns _uSquat' is^ja^-^-^-Boy •-• (which is omy oo c/m ux&j.) - ,•». ^ _ . .. _ ' • ■..'••<• M*c-Louis G-iIieo, Memuer- or Frencn Academy, Dept. :of M. M. Kappis, tne German art critic ana ronaer Attacne?c^ Museum or jaenin, K83t®.>:^ V*■ ■• lAc-'i-i- . •- .- - B^J3?5S;SSvjisfbjr-; __ • Professor deCampoa, Director ox tne Vatican Musaunjjggf — V-.jj, ilOU13 Bremer, Processor Acaaemie aes InscriptionsZ^!| .^=—*■ V !rr V'*3^<*^s-£-'* et' Belles-Lettres, Prance, |gs£iM*--.Selienan, -Iurerjuationaliy known American Antaquarif "““ililli^HaouX:'-MaoruProxessor aes Sculpture, TAcaaemieji^a. £ ££ ts £^Frauc ^M'^Josepn ^Clement, Professor anil' cnairman'or ;Archa^ ~ r‘"’ r^_‘* ^Society --oir Pranoep^r^: _ a. ^^Hert-EDerie^r.DireotOE ox. Museum ®afiSfH^^ES:arBLeaa Prores sorrof'rLtne^filstory' ?**■ ^rponnej^^"^so"_0rricial_DeIega‘ce_6f_..tne ^^ci^GOverj eiifc jo. jcno Internationa^. (X)xigress: o£Xtne 'Hiatory-ia: ■ ~ -a ■ ■■ ■ v 81 .•. ■ -w- j. • ... ^ 1 . - _.._ ".*r^ ■ ‘ j . - e:. __l^^jgl^so-'President-of-r^ne—AnTJa.^ja^ea], f^Proi'essor'air tne Acaaemie -'aes Beao^-Artsy:faiso^oanaei ’f^Attacne'of tne “Ermitage Museum at StV'PeteBSOargi^SaFs? ^^ula^JtouJKier *of~tne- bcnooi ."or "Art"in" Vieima^^^^'"'*^ ^aj*n^e^veritiabie^personal ’charaeteraspics^or'Mxcne: ^''~Vso^i^aly rportrayea in tnis Pieta"prove Joeyonaf^ - t' ^ t- X i.-^nCwmtr “r\^i r- m ^t1 ^orrn—‘VS'T n or> ^*0 T»"t: ■»'<» cannot .pe ~tne--worK or.-^riyr acner,arti:at ------- \ anar.:3xqc3!^^e^6arviZLl^"approac3^ cneiange±o| Z=nCtl r^£^. ---- r. ^-1 f?T- Stosa-Ei: sptnerawoncs
Michaelangelo Document (023)