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- 13 - MISSISSIPPI ..,(40-44) BAT SilUT LOUIS . .. < j ■ 40.^ Gulf Coast Progress. (Continued) / CH: Ja 16, 1890-D 24, 1921. (Bound). 1. Approxinatcd from issues on file; this agrees with Rowell's, Amorican newspaper Directory, 1885. 2. D 24, 1921, last issue on file; Hissio- 8ippi Blue iBook 1933-1935,doee not li3t this papor. 3. Rowell1 3, American Hewspaper Directory, 1665. 4, Gulf Coast Progress, Ja 16, 1890. 5. Ibid., > Ja 1, 1891' 6'. Ibid., N 3, 1892> 7. ibid., 0 19, 1893. 8. According to issues on file. 9. IMd. 10. Ibid. lTTTbid. 12. Ibid. 13. Ibid. - - V 41. Light. Weekly. D 31, 19381—. Established D 31, 1938 (D 31, 1938, vol. 1, no. 1) with Sholdon Souzenean, editor and publisher.^ Ja 7, 1939, Geoffrey Bourgois was assistant editor and manager,3 By 0 19, of the same year, Mack 3. Carmicheal was oditor and publisher, Henry E. Carmicheal assistant editor.4 Appeared on Satui>-day until My 4, 1939, when publication changed to Friday.* 110: /D 31, 1938-D 28, 1940/. (TJhbound). •_,«*> .:lli 1. Accordingto issues on filo. 2. Light, D 31, 1938. 3. Ibid., Ja 7, 1939. 4. Ibid., 0 19, 1939. 5. According to issues on file. 62. Rock-A-Chaw. YJookly. 0 7, 1932^-—. Established 0 7, 1932 (0 7, 1932, vol. 1, no. 1) by the studonts of St. Stanislaus College.2 Bublication was weekly during school year, with day of publication irregular.^ «• \-;u K EOj Jo -7,-1933-D 14, 194dyr. (BounijL). 1. According to issues on filo. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 43. St. Augustine1 s Messenger. Quarterly. See Bay St. Louis, Seminarian, ontry 45. 44. Sea Coast Echo. Weekly. Ja 9, 1892^—. " <• „ ' » Established Ja 9, 1892 (Ja 9, 1892, vol. 1, no. 1) with Chas. G.^ Moreau, editor and publisher.2 By My 28, of the samo year W. L. May beauno co-owner.^ D 1, .3.894, W# L. May,was roplaced by A. G. Osoinach.^ Chas. G* Moreau became sole ownor and oditor, Ja 8, 1898.® Appoared on Saturday until Jl 1, .1927, when publication changed to Friday.*^ , * " ■ V* 't ~ " t- . j .* ■’CH: Ag 6, 1893-D* 24, 1904 7, 1905-D 27, 19407", (Bound). NO: Ja 9, 1892-D 22, 1900 Jja 5, 1901-D 23, 1922^ Ja 6, 1923-D 27, 1940. ■(Bound). (Continued) \
Newspapers Document (022)