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aiss"	single	copy	5	cents
'.epublican Ticketjor 1924 FORTY-EIGHT KILLED
d u- m \:	i	IN	TWO	PREMATURE	-
Republican National Convention BLASTS ON WARSHIP
7 Giant Charge of Fburteen-Inefe Gun Carried Backward Through Breach of Gun Deals Death and Injury to Half of Turret Crew?Victkm So Swollen by Heat-
u to Be Unrecognizable?Sfcip, Menaxetttjy Another Unexploded Shell, Puts to Sea After T jirnKng l~WfL
nefits Lack of Leadership Blamed I md for Wooden Document ! of Republicans.
(By the Associated 'Press*
------San Pgriru, Cnl., June 12.?prpmiTire 'explosions idBgd"
thrde officers and forty-five men of battleship Mississippi today am* tha. jaen*ce of.	?trn	iras
aboard the crippl^S dreadnaught toeighr aa-abe left her dead xad m-taaitednrfft^o se* uj ^lufcgLi^^bur life	?
ping'from penl of a tMrd and imiEsentiy expected blast
Tfie'tfrst exploilon ~6ccurreff~al I"P. sc. wtaUe?the iCajrtsstppi tu engaged. In target practice off San Clemente island. forty-five aCes from, here, spread* tor death imoaj the eight-eight men. ta	11 n Officer* Mid tkt-pre-
xnature blast might have been due te a ?si3or gi?Tig the ?fg?%l tot the electric flash Igniting the charge In one ef the turret's 14-inch rifles before the bree % was properly doted, or it may hare restated from a ?flare bacV caused when a fresh charge was belnx .oaAed late ".he breech.____________
Second Explosion Shake* Ship.	_
As the stricken ship reached the goal a? fta na for eargfeai esaistance j ?the ^capital -ship Relief, just Inside breakwater here?* second blast'
' rocked the Teasel. The charge ts the damaged turret's second 14-lndx rifle exploded, hurling the steel projectile-1 pfow ofjha-paaaenger liner Yale, i
Bad the turret, which was rerctv?c at th? tixns the firat ezplocioa-j occnrreflT remained tir the sime' -po*a*c -aiuit the' second?biay^, the pro-j jectile would-have crashed Into the ceiaig of the cfcy of San Pedro. Tor-. tunately tha turret had swung around m ihai as fans pointed directly oyt. jlG sea;	?
I ~ When two mhtt iHeeperx failed in aa attempt to ratoed th* third of the ?three rifles, containing an as yet ^nrryiogec cnau-ye, Che battleship pot <xsi fto sea again, Its dead and Injured kartn* been moved; so that ta tbe' -Seventy-Clerks and	|-eve*t?the last run .should hurl	forth tts toad	of atsil tbere woald be ton
I	I danger of the projectile strlfliig"otiMr aWpc	or acructnre* ashore. _______
I ^ Hardly had the ?oho of the tSsM. rryingin-a	blaet of riacth died
'j awa"y">r'h'en_ th'e--dretS$nnnftm?prow aeuf *rwyji^ind."~^?" hig~S^-Taee*
' fvQ~itedS ?aEead' Toward port.	In thie vareteas	reoxa tin radio snapped -e*t
the news to the navy hospital	ship SeAet, at	anchor ta the harbor forty -
five miles away.
Aboard the Relief men and surjiMH syraay tato cetion. ^eefcs aad operating--rooms-sar&^cleared- for the sec^tsoe of "me lnjtzred,
*	,	~	,	+	Streieie**	..were	hroc^Jvt	on1 and
men Overpowered by Robbers.
J Chicago, June *12.?Forty pouches -of registered mail-containing -bonds
& close->f New l will ?. Bald-
tioo of
address e com-Qdorae^ ie Goff Pacific
(T*!rnes.p>jjune 8taff P?or^<?ot*tlv*l Cleveland. June 12.?The Republican pl&tform i?- 9lm wooden aa the'nerne Jndicaies, ibis Is ^he general l>eHe? ex?j -10x1 .all have .had.1 opportunity to dlfest the docu-? meat, it Is the trtindty partisan who' professed to see io It more than a very mediocr? document.
The falhrre to produce m crisp In* statiing pTcrfonn rtfgarflej i*"nnj' more inexcuss.bte gtnce there wm Ht- ? tie else to do besides write a platform. ae	Jusi why the president ahould J>ave
trollies? recalled- Ambaeeador Warren from U now : Mexico to help with the pisiform ts a ? Com-' mystery to every one. /Ie is a quiet,
? conservative, polished type ot man merger, j hut seems so lacktor In gumption and should ? dominating qualities that it was ap> s. and. parent from the start that he was not to New j the maa to head a body as hard to Loui*i-j managFTI Is the committee on resolu-| Uoas.
Gen. UarTst C Dawes:
*'I acoept the nomination of the Republican party for the vice-presidency,0 said General Dawes when notified at Marietta, O., last night of the action of thj ^-1 deep- -ly sppreclate the honor conferred upon me/?
and currency valued at more than a milHojj ,doliaf? were stolen by train ^.rtbbey* 'wiwn* ttey fcettt	Chi?
: cago, VU'V^akM and ft. Paul mall f tncfay- ae>r ifcwflonty^v -thirty-mlie*-'
? north .^T .CSJeaxo^ ai 10:30 o?clock (central ?o^tard time) tonight | The trelnjW^s- en trooia from ChJ-? xaro-t^St. jPant/and?itr first sched>
' uied stop i^s at Ullwankec, Wls. i Three of the robbers rode ?'blind ? baggage/-' <>r Ju,t back of the ten-: def of tha locomotive of the train,
: aocordlag to Lawrence Benson, chief ' of the railroad?s special agents;
List of Dead
"Ai the train approached Rondout | the robbers pulled the air- brakes.
I which broirS'ht the train to a stop,? { he said.
i ?The?train stopped at Bnckley road ' crossing. Two miles thif gide of Bondout. Before it came to a stop 11*?!_ of the robbers Poarded the en-
Distmguiihes Himself .as Soldier, Banker, Author, Composer.
gins and covered the- engtn?r and-fireman with ravolrers. In the meantime the three men who were on the tender uncoupled -the locomotive. The robbers lo the ?*r forcad~~tfe*~tnXi-" aeer to drive the loco entire to Rondout, two miles down the trm^k.
bThe robbers were strung along the tracks for the length of a ear or~r two end-aimot- at the spot^wtere-the engine stoppedr^ Beneoo said. ?Three or four of them forced the-CesdotitJ en Page	n~ei
Few men In America have won distinction In th* vsriejy Of endeavors which have occupied General Dswe*. ]
s miifiM as a r%tr
?tA A TV
makte tm imtm	Ht*
^ (By-ttav Associxtad	Vremt	bmmrn Ja* hwwMf	*?
Suj P?t?. C*..	JOT.	U.-TS.	or-	^*^4 fto, tn. crtpfUi.	.-,T
floial list ot dead la the-e^locion o? '	^
tlie dreadnaiight Missiasippl lasu*i * |fa*nwh&. the word fhaT imi laU tonight from the V. B. fl. New k iking had gone wrong aboard tfae Mexico, flagship ot battleship division scmiaHppi <praad from the maml No. 4, contained the names of Uuee ^rol station alonr the wmtertroeL. offlcars and forty-Uire* enllMed men.	wh* could master
No list of Injured ^has yet been Is- f jna?i straiaed their eye* toward the sued. The names and ratings of	?wpi* w*T~f tTi-^	fT>a	rf.	tbs-
dead are given, ~bu( in the cases of the te?adnoogbt were vlsihJe ahere the enlisted men and	two	offloers	noa	abrlzon.
their home addresses, which officers -	.	Jtoa	to H?-bar.
Mid would not be -evaUable uatil s Prom Potw rirmim th^jaowtb' careful chock?can- Oe made of th* j ** tie barter, th* distressed -resect naval rosters. The	dead	-are:	-*?ad- he plainly see a.	wlth-aaiJec*
' Lieutenant Thomas ?Zellars, 25, at 7?wded artmad the sbatter?d tvr-
1M4' Kut	T^ny	nm.
Cal. ----------
Bnsign Marcus ?. Erwin, Jr, b?4-tleahlp Mississippi.
*nelgn William p.. McCrea. a, bar-tleiHip New Mexico.
ChrliAenafin, .seaman, fim
as yet a* one ashore 'Emit the ?xtent of the disaster, but frooa the ^elief aease the news that p re para i *-io*Jr. were ^?nx'_ made to care for
Lawrence Henry Wills, seaman, flret
class.	__
y1 dfnon ^BnjmfleldL coxswain.
R. Reuben Kinney, seaman, second class.
? AJbwt Dararlo, seaman, second class.
Brigham Foster 6aith-.- gnnaer** mate, ftrst class.	f
Le?ile Malone, funner'i mate, first 1 class.
Coyle Sbaw, seaman, first'ciass. Edward Homer Huffman, seaman
?ty faOnrgd. ? TldAUy ?K?~?Hga^~ fpc rpoaded Ju hreelrTafay tk? V|fn-pMai ship- racing out to meet tC. *ad passesgcrs aboard t>e S. 9.
~ Ta?,- jnsC a*n aep*rt3ar^or^ar5= ^raacisctt, . oewded th* rafl, to gase_ .A^-strack st the appraechtng' b*t-.?esh tp.
The demollsfaed turret	ua*
I mal activity on the MJprfsilppl toi4 Asm ai a glance that death was As the ship came cloeer eeald se* -the wlwX: la-
the breakwater the
Dnce inside marlseionf M

Bourgeois article-005
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