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5* REGUE i Okllnp. W/ \Vi tnalnt*ln?rj tc BeatintrSelli,C<*itr!in<l??.: HELD BY ? IT ! .??V '*,?{ ft- ' - * 'i Contract Awarded For Additional Artesian Well ing Engine House Readvertisea?Services of Robfc v j 1 L. Toten, Inc., Discontinued. So. Bell Tel.'; Co., telephone C. C. McDonald, mdse.' Hinry Holton, labor ?' ? ? to-y ' \ ucu? J rfiviiwu, mi ??-.{ Peter Sick, labor- State of Mississippi, Hancock County, City of Bay St. Louis.. A regular meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Bay St. Louis was held at the City Hall on Saturday, the 5th day of November, 1927, at 6 o?clock P. M. There were present, G. Y. Blaize, mayor; Chas. Traub, Sr., Jr3.?Jflarjj, i.ia,Ui , kji., ?Motion by Alderman Carver,-sec- H. S. Gillum, L. C. Carver^falderrnen; owdgd b yAlderman Marti,: that the * ii i. t____ u~ i . c? t r i?? '"i ? i r _ _ r* i \ r\^ u~ Albert Jones, city marshal; S'. J. Lad^ ner, secretary. The minutes of previous meeting was read and approved. The reports of various city officers was read and approved. The financial report was ordered upon the minutes, the QthPfs spread .???led. Statement City ot Hay fit. Louis for the rilonth of October, 1WT, Marplmnt* Ilank and Trust Co., City Depository, Sinking School B]dg. Fund Balance on hand last report 11-2-27 Kecd !?'. 11. Egloff. 1995, luxes ------------------ nw S.\48 Credits : My warrants to Hoard ___________________ Ha la nee ______________________________ City Fund. Balance on hand last report_____________ 11-2-27 Kec?d Merchants Hank & Trust Co., burrowed money_____________ Reed C'onrnd Sick,- IIW 1987, meat insp. fcH'H __________________________ Hec'd Clarence Soule, IiW fOS.8, road tax _____________________________ Keo'd Clarence Soule, IIW 1080, imp. stock fee _______________________ Reed F. H. Egloff. I!W 1990, licenses _________________________________ Kec'i| F II Egloff. IIW 11)02. t;ixes .00 1.3.UT3 443.00 Credits : Hy warrants Halance ______ to Hoard______ 6.00 0.00 21.S4 114.40 ? 9,121.81 <v875.00 cepted. Alderman Traub voting ?no/? Motion by Alderman Traub. seconded by Alderman Gillum, rhut~the bid of Gray Artesian well be accepted onr 8-inch well; Aldermen Traulj and Gillum voting1 ?aye.? Aldermen Marti and Carver voting '?nay." Mayor voting with the nays. Motion lost, bid of Layne Centrql go. t)e accept: ed on'8-in. well. Aldermen Marti and Carver voting ?aye.v Aldermen Traub and Gillum voting "nay/* ?Siayor yoTing \v|th the ?ftyeg?> ai}d carried. The Mayor is authorized to approve contract and approve th(e ? 0,121.84 (?olored School Fund. Balance on hand Inst report, re iiiainn Kanit' ______________________ Municipal Improvement Houd Fund. Balance on hand lawt report, report remninH Hiiuir ___________________ School Fund. Kalanee on hand hint report____________ 10-0 27 Ketr?d Mcrcljantw Hank, K\V IDS}, borrowed money ________________ Uec?d Stale of MIhh., KW '' i ill* d i * ? r i! * ii I i ?* n bonds as required by law. M^yor ftp?oointeti .Johi} O?Neil special traffic police to |an. 1,' 1928. Same-being ratified by the Board. Mayor appointed Aldermen Marti __and Traub to investigate condition of street, also to better condition of lights ori suit} ottcct, nl?p investigate reference to install light on State anti IJujibar avenue and State and Second street* t>nd report at next regular meeting. <?Motlon by Alderman Traub. aec-orveHe^?hy Alderman Marti, that the' 8,500.00 p q Uofclages" be" re-funded?the 27.00 amount of $11.05 as water rent, unearned on account of residence destroyed by fire, also amour.t of $21.65 due Mrs. G. E. Mader. The secretary be authorized to issue warrant for amounts; carried. Moved by Alderman Ckrver, seconded by Alderman Gillum, and carried, that the following resolution be adopted: Whereas, Section 3. Chapter 209, Laws oi tfio State of Mississippi of 1910, provided that no .warrants be issued by any county municipality unless there is sufficient money in the particular fund from which the allowance is imulu to pay such warrants, 47n.i:! i and whereas, the City of Bay St. Louie has no money in the City funds to pay current expenses, and .J Whereas, Chapter 178 of the Laws e :,|1 njii!' irip.'ilit ios 400.20 2.1. OO J..TI -i._______ 11.0! s.a 40.2 17.3 103. a 8.0 7.0 8.0 3.60 .84 86.00 .w* 49 50 W. J. Gallup, frxt, on mdw. i.i.?.,, 2.52 Miss. Power Co., light*' for^v?water M ? malritalner?s- hobse i3.7C Plumbing- 4?Heatlng Sell. jCo^Ind*e. 2R.G3 Edward Bros. Mdso. _________,?_____?.31 N. O. Nelson, Mfg. Co.-, mdse.?i__________"73.8( \Y. P. Hays, mdse:, pipe ____________________ 40.0( Mrs.. G.' E. Mader, refund water rent". 21.0T Mrs. F. C. Bordage, refund - Jvater 'rent ------------------ School Building Fund. Aler 'Watts, labor j________________________ William Hobbs, labor________________________ S. J. Ingrrarn, indue. _______>_____"_i_____ C. I). Well, bahllng_________________1______ Mrs. M. >Iollcre, fertllizeir_______________ John p, Mollere, 20 loads of clay___________ Andrew CHrver, mdse. ______________,_u______ IJay Plumbing Co., mdse and'hjpairs S07.7 Merchants Bk. & T. Co., nrem:, old Central slbooL__________________________ 18.4 City Fund. - : t G. ?.' Blalze, mayor, sillaty _____________ 75^ Chas. Trntib, Sr:, alderman, eaiarjy--^-^ one special___________________________10.( Jas, Marti, Alderman, bhI., 1 spech^.?W)( H. S. Gillum, Akleruian, sal., l;spec, 10.( L. C. Carver, Ald.erpian, sal:, 1 spbe. 10,( All>ert Jones, city marshal, salary.. 100.( Albert .Tones, city marshal, auto pxp. lS.i l?eter I.atour, salary ______________I______ 7,?i.i Geo. Schieb, spec, police, Balt^rj ? D. Felix Fijyur^, oaultary insp., Janitor city hall'_______________________________ 00. S. J. Ladner, secty., salary___________!____150. Auk. Taconi, street com., salary________113 F. II.' Egloff, tnx col., saliiry _________T1X. R. L. (Jvnin, city atty., salary*'______ 75. Claude Monti, fireman eng., salary ._ 5 Bay Jewelry. Store, upkeep Town clock ___________________________________ 8 Conriul Sjck, mont iiisui, salary .1.1 30 Clarence, Houle, water lusp., potul keeper __________________________________ 3(1 Calvin Fayard, ('leaning cemetery___________ 22 John O'Neil, spec, police_______________ 75 Dr. Cain, city veterinary, salary________ 5(1 Andrew Carvur, imjoti. _____________________pin Mlsh. I'oWt'c CO., in?dae. _______-_______ 4 Geo. I). Harnard. stationery _______________1( I)an Luxidi. wood_____________________?____ f Alonzti H. Ilayden. mdse., sewer oipe _______________________________?10? j^liss. Power Co., lights for streets __ Mt C. C. McDonald, mdse. ----------------------23' Clifford Wnterll'Mlse, induo. -------------- 2' Edward Hros., mdsur ___________________?-- Ernest Myers, labor------------------------- 7 Joseph Cn|>dH|>on, lai)or ------------------ 7 Alfred Arnold, labor-------------?---------- t) Sewell Carver, labor ----------------------- 7 Roland Lafontalue, labor ------------------ 7 William Greeii, labor __________7 Carl Jones, labor_____________ Henry Colson, shells__________ Dominick Clionla, uliolls Walter Maurice, shelU------------------ Daniel Fnrvo, labor _______________________ George Ilcffher, labor _____________________ Julius Weber, labor ________________________ Ezra Arnold, labor _________________________ Joseph Maringe, labor ______________________ James Farve, labor _________________________ John Knj-iird, labor ----------------------- (War Ln'fonliilm:, |i|b<lP -----------,? Walter Carvor, labo'i----------------------- Schindler Garage, repairs and supplier for truck ?........................... John Eglnff, mdse. _________________________ Miss. Slatloiiery Co., indue._________... Sen Coast Echo, advertisement'______________ Alfred (?holiin, labor ____________________ Harold N'cttn, labor ______________________ Liberty Oil Co., oil and gas for tk... H:i v Merciinllle Co.. mdse. ______________ ?' ' 1...............1< _____I...........
Traub, Capt Charles 023