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Hancock County Historical Society, Inc. P. 0. Box 1340 Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, 39520 6 Aug 1987 Mr. Marcus C. Hammack Mississippi Department of Archives and History P. 0. Box 571 Jackson, Mississippi 39205-0571 Dear Mr. Hammack: Thank you for your most welcome letter of July 24, 1987 approving the wording of our text for the Naval Battle Of * Bay St. Louis marker. We do, indeed, concur that is the most accurate and concise text that we have been able to devise and we hereby request that you place the order for the marker at the earliest time convenieat to you. As ever, we remain ready to assist in any manner that you may require. Sincerely, Charles H. Gray First Vice President cc: Dr. Bill Bradford
Battle of 1814 Marker